Seriously.... if he is here for a holiday and not looking for his life partner and/or intellectual equal he might as well go down town, double wrap it, pay his bar fine and fill his boots. He will not during a holiday here find his woman of his dreams....
Question Best Posts in Thread: Club Revive
Revive is permanently closed. Why Not isn't that bad, just send him in with the appropriate knowledge concerning the women and tell him to wrap it up if he does hook up unless he wants a nasty case of the drip to 2-5 days later.
Prime is a nicer option later on in the night, which is walking distance from why not. Best to hit that bar after midnight. Those are really the only two options in Dumaguete at the moment for a 'club' type environment.
As long as you don't get very drunk and/or act stupid there shouldn't be any problems with safety.-
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x1 Cifixime 400mg (oral - single dose)
x1 Azithromicine 1g (oral - single dose)
No boom-boom for 1 week.
....takes care of that burning sensation.-
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If he's going "down town" he want to saran wrap that first. You can get all sorts of diseases going down town. Maybe better to skip that altogether. Unless you got to lick it, before you stick it.
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Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
Best AnswerYou are really confused if you think the single lady virgin you found on the internet is real, more likely she a lady (if you are lucky) with two kids, a gay cousin she sleeps with (because he is gay it is alright, even though he fathered her two kids) . As a suitor, he should not be concerned about the situations like that because she will only send the truth over the internet. That her mother is sick, and had died twice in the last six months requiring burial expenses being sent from foreigners should not be a concern either.
On more serious note, I would suggest your son pick up a book, "A Man's guide to Life and Love" in the Phillipines by Larry Elterman, available from Amazon for about 1o bucks, and read before he leave on his trip. Secondly I would suggest he reads it on his flight over here again. It will open his eyes to the realities of Filipino Culture and how the woman "work" here , and it will question his approaches for his pursuit of woman here also and suggest options. It is not a guilt inducing read, and really is funny at times. It highly recommends the Philippines for alcoholics and smokers because smokes and alcohol are cheap here. (one couple I met says they save over $150 USD a month on cigerettes alone). The woman look like they are bargains here too until you add the costs they ask for. It is a very practical book, whose author is rumored to have lived in Dumaguete.
My personal advice is do not have you son push himself too hard on the issue of meeting a lady, long term or short term, as no man has ever died of horiness, particularly while on vacation, in Dumaguete. "Death by horriness" just will never happen in Dumaguete for sure. When I was depressed here, I tried to kill myself by horriness here once but was not successful. A short 100 meter walk on the Boulevard eliminated the short term emotion problems, and as soon as I get off the meds, I think the longer term medical problem I caught on the boulevard will be gone too-
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Its also an option to go on to Filipina Cupid, Date In Asia or another dating site and meet a few gals prior to his visit to set something up.
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