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Best Posts in Thread: US Currency rates taking off

  1. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    People like to take credit when things are good and blame the other guy when things go bad, when it reality they aren't responsible for either. In reality, it's just the luck of being there at the right time and place.

    Top Forecaster Sees Dollar Gain With Either Trump or Clinton
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  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Is it just the USD to PHP rate or are other rates going in the favor of the USD as well? As I recall the PHP began to hit the shitter (for Filipinos anyways) as soon as Duterte was elected and started having diarrhea of the mouth.

    One thing you have to remember is that exchange rates are also tied to inflation, among many other things. If you start to see 55 to the dollar expect to see your San Miguel prices (and everything else) go up along with it.
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  3. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    US currency exchange rate to the Philippine Peso is going up nicely for us expats. It tipped over 50php-1USD and is put now just above 49.5php-1usd. Its expected to keep climbing as well at least until the end of the month. As usual however come end of the month it may drop off for a week before possibly climbing back up.

    For those looking to exchange now before the end of the month may be the time for a short range exchange and come December we may reach a golden time (depending as well how the electoral college vote goes for Trump or shenagins take place that would likely create a negative stability in an unsure future).

    I'm wondering if we can reach the 52-55 range again that was here in 2006 before the plummet happened.
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