Wife went out today. Many seniors in Lee Plaza and at Yan Yan and taking advantage of the senior lanes. Maybe there is more common sense being applied than thought.
Seniors are different yes. We have different needs too. How many have had their routine medical exams cancelled? I have had two so far.
We don't harm anyone, we use caution. I for one really don't like crowds and all of the pushing and jostling that is pretty common around here, so if that changes it is a plus for me. Most just like to get out once in a while, relax casually and maybe converse with other expat or simply have a beverage of choice, read a book or browse the internet. Just to know that life is still worth living.
We are not complaining or whining or making excuses like some insinuate. We just want to put some quality into our life too. And with absolutely zero positive tests in over 30 days, I would think it is pretty safe, since 30 days is well past the incubation period. Seems like any new cases would have to smuggled in.
Best Posts in Thread: 24 hour curfew for seniors and students [IMPLEMENTED IN DUMAGUETE]
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Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer
jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army
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Went to Robinson's this morning, long waiting lines to go in and they were asking the old folk their age, if over 60 you would be turned away but if you lied about your age and said 59 years old sir they would let you in. I got in no problem and I'm 66 years old.
There were a lot of foreigners 59 years old. Coincidence or what.-
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Discussion groups everywhere include posters such as this, where he/she obviously knows more than the rest and rises above the fray in his sort of manufactured and almost troll-like indignation, similar to that other troll. We are discussing actual problems that seniors do have here in real life. Using his own methaphor, he certainly is speaking out of one hole but I will not say which one.
Let me give you another perspective; many are here (maybe even you) are SRRV holders and are not only guests but members of the a Philippine Retirement Authority, an organization that tells us ‘it is better in the Philippines’. From PRA membership we derive many useful privileges such as diplomatic priority check-in when going thru Immigration etc.. The point is, they want you to retire here and for good reason: At least previous administrations here recognized the benefits of Western foreign exchange to Filipinos. They want to make your life here as trouble free as possible so you stay here and encourage others to come. They are not the like the Bureau of Immigration that I suspect that you are used to. You deposit lots of money into a PRA account, they will give you a permanent resident visa as a paid guest. Yes, as your enlightened 5 yo knows, OF COURSE we must follow the rules but we also have a right as members, and even the responsibility, to help PRA improve senior retiree experiences in future lockdowns which, btw, are almost guaranteed to happen. Examples of things that will have negative impacts to their business model in attracting future retirees are 1) arbitrary and unexpected elder bans that do not occur in other countries and, 2) alcohol prohibitions, given the fondness of fermented tastes for many in that group. Closing bars and banning public boozing is understandable but extending that to Prohibition of store sales; stopping the consumption of beverages at home has no impact on outside spread the disease. It reeks of enforcement of some unwanted good-heath agenda or religious moral code. Carrie Nation with her keg-destroying hatchet would be proud haha. PRA member-customers will almost certainly be making big noises to PRA about these and other unnecessary measures when they make their next visit to DGTE for SRRV member meetings, and, although nothing can be accomplished right now, perhaps this joint Department of Tourism/Private enterprise organization will exercise an albeit minor influence to deal with retirees here in future lockdowns, maybe proposing to regulators better thought-out and less arbitrary policies for their (and all) retirees.
But only if we b*tch.
After all, ultimately, it is all market-driven. People can walk, too.
Note: Recent information indicates possible relaxation of senior bans (not total elimination) in the Visayas . Hope it is true.
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Last edited: Apr 30, 2020 -
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BTW, you might want to check that FB page again. They posted the new rules from the EO in an infographic yesterday afternoon.
Funny that they aren't even using the governor as an official source and are breaking their own guidelines by posting another non-government FB page.
A lot of cognitive bias going on here. People are only reading what they want to believe and stopping there...as if no new information is being put out after the post they agreed with was made. It is willful ignorance.-
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Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account
Note that the Gov is quoted as saying that this is necessary 'for a few days,,,,,'. That may be a hint that he's targeting May 15th as the next date for further relaxation (or may not). My theory is that he's spinning it out until then just to be seen to comply with national government recommendations in case anything goes wrong (further outbreak). The release of virus test numbers seems to suggest this too. Close to a hundred swab tests were sent off several days ago, but we've had only a handful of results. Seems to me the results are being stretched out, firstly to enable a good news story each day and secondly to justify the GCQ (and addendum). With some cases still undetermined, there's still a doubt. Clearly politicians are looking for ultimate political survival beyond this weird period (that's normal behaviour).
Mostly just theory, but based on publicly available knowledge.-
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