The wife was really wanting a Belgian Malinios male and female pup that were papered (PCCI) and was not having any luck finding them around Dumaguete or Cebu so she found what she was looking for in Manila. She also decided she had to have a Siberian Husky as well...
I was in Manila with her (before heading off to Korea) to pick out the pups. A black female Belgian Malinios and fawn colored male. She's had the Belgian pups for a little while now but the Husky was delivered yesterday. She is about half the size as the Belgian pups but makes up for it with tons of energy. She fit right in, though our Black Belgian female keeps a bit of distance.
Just a heads up for folks buying pups from a distance and trying to get them back home there are some requirements to be aware of. The airline requires the pups to have a rabies vaccine, which is given when they are about 3 months old; what the wife was not told is that it has to be 2 weeks after they've been vaccinated before they are allowed to travel, so that was a delay. Also the normal required vaccines.
When you check the pups in, they cost extra from whatever baggage you are allowed and the airline prefers a heads up and they need to be checked in a airline quality cage (not like a chicken in a cardboard box). It cost 6,000 peso for them both to fly. They figure by weight and round up from what the wife told me.
The Husky was younger so we had to wait and she was shipped as cargo on an early morning Cebu Pacific flight. That cost another 3,000 peso.
The wife will also have to change the PCCI registration to her name as well as changing the pups names to what we named them. She was waiting on the husky to do them all at once; I don't remember what we paid to transfer before but I believe it is between 1,000-2,000 per pup. I'll update the actual cost once the wife makes that happen.
The attached pictures aren't the best but I'll post some more later if the wife can get some better pics.
Best Posts in Thread: Welcoming home some new pups
ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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Here is another picture of the male Belgian....I'm hoping the wife can get a good shot of the female, she is a striking dog; beautiful and a great temperament. She's promised some more pics of the Husky as well...gorgeous blue eyes and a ball of energy.
Obviously I'm as excited as the wife about the new additions, so bear with me if I want to show them off a bit.
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ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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Cherry got the pups today with no issues; she's pretty happy to have them home. Just a few pics as they are starting to explore the house and yard. Pretty interesting that our male Belgian Malinois (Romo) has taken quite the liking to Reacher and looks to be protective of him. I'll send some more pics as the wife sends more to me.
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ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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An update on PCCI costs 1700 to change the name of the owner and 1-2 weeks for the new paperwork to be sent via LBC. An odd thing to me is that you are not allowed to change the pups names...once the breeder puts that on paper it is what it is. No big problem as you can call your dogs what you want. A recommendation for folks is that if you want your pup to have the same name as what you call her/him then best to get with the breeder early to reserve and have them put the name on the PCCI.
The lovely wife, after much dealing and stress found a female Black Belgian Malinois (KoKo) and a male Siberian Husky (Reacher) that will arrive tomorrow. Won't be the name on the PCCI for the pups, but after going back and forth I think we picked the right names for the new additions to our family.
I will post some pics later once they get home. Cherry is excited to get her pups and I'm excited to meet the pups when I get home the end of the month.
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Last edited: Jul 5, 2017 -
ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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Here is a picture of our 8 month old Husky named Sasha...she is standing on a chair, why a chair was there is a good guess; I'll blame it on the kids. The wife was walking up to the house and a guy gathering up his goats pointed out that he was a bit intimidated with Sasha staring down so she had to take a picture and send to me.
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Funny x 2
Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force
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Whilst Shawn and Cherry were devastated at the loss of "Chili & Pepper" I thought I would throw in a couple to show the Line lives on, "Midnight" the Lady we had from S &C had a single Pup 2 months ago Yesterday. For prosperity may I add these for the Family Album Shawn?
pudding at 2 monthsThis is dad and I will be Bigger.
" Shadow" (Midnights Brother)
So my friend, Lets hope all goes well for you all from here on-
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ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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I really look forward to seeing the pictures as Pudding grows up. I still have to throw props up for Cooper being able to climb that tower.
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ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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- Okinawa/Tanjay
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- +1,780 / 219
- Blood Type:
- A-
After owning a Belgian Malinois, Dalmatian, a cross of them and some local dogs I've got to say that the Husky takes energy to a new level. She is wearing out our 2 Belgian pups on a consistent basis.
I've been reading up on Huskies and it says that you can never get their want to dig out of them, we had an area of the back that the wife had planned on making another garden area. I talked her into getting some sand delivered into that area so that there is a place to dig so they can stop destroying the yard. Hoping that works out.
Mokum also gave me a great tip to keep them from digging in the yard by taking some chain link fence (cyclone wire) and put that down flat on areas where they were digging to let the grass recover. The wife is working to make that happen as we have 3 areas that get hard hit by digging activities.
Attached are a some more pics (the husky loves water).
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