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  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I had an inverter split level and had problems with it and finally replaced it with a same model - non-inverter model, at the store owner's suggestion. No problems since and not a big spike in Noreco cost. I only run it from 8pm to midnight.
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  2. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Its because its DAIKIN (I got one too) and I did not mention the installer/cleaner who is very good (as Jack said) because he is a very busy man and hard to get him to come do the work. It means you have to be extremely friendly and drop a few names and a few extra pesos to get him to fit you in.
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  3. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    I chose Deakin. My Bills are very good as we control things. Last Bill was 3700+ with a 1/2, a 1 and a 3hp units(and we get no preferential Treatment on Bills) by temp setting to our needs, our house is 140 mtr sq. We use their service for Cleaning and found it good and cost effective, (Dave "H" also uses the service) I am happy with the Service and as I stated at the time they would NOT commission the Units until I Had my own Transformer due to the variable voltage. They can check the Voltage before installation based on other appliances in the House. Steve they are GOOD, they can do, what it says on the can :thumbsup:
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    Last edited: May 15, 2017
  4. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Size of room and insulation are important as well as the amount of electricity available consistently and chances of lizards getting into the circuit boards. One lizard walking on the circuit board of your new inverter type A/C could cost you 10K to replace the board. (Yes I had that happen).

    I find that a mid size, uninsulated room does better with a standard type unit as it is always putting out close to max to compensate for the lack of insulation. In a better insulated area of the same size I would want the inverter type. How do I know this? I put mine in backwards LOL. In the hot room I have the inverter type and it does not function well and in the more insulated room I have the non-inverter type and its either too hot or too cold as the inverter function allows the A/C to run at less than capacity while the non inverter does not.

    If it was not such an expensive job, I would have the two switched (or insulate the upstair better)
    Both units are cooling the same sized area (approx 20 sqm). Both are 1 HP splits.
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  5. Plainspoken

    Plainspoken DI Forum Adept

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    I know enough about your question to be dangerous but don't know everything. There are a few things that are important.
    1. The varying voltage here is the worst thing for compressors in A/C units but the inverter type works on varying voltage so it will not be harmed. Definitely stick with the inverter type.
    2. Look at the condensor (outside) portion of the unit and make sure that the electrical circuitry and boards are protected with a coating or otherwise to keep the little lizards out. They will get in and fry themselves on the unprotected circuitry and ruin a circuit board or two.
    3. I'm sure there will be much argument about this because it varies so much, but typically, you need about 2.5 to 3 HP per 100 sq meters to get a 20 to 25 F degree difference to outside temperature. This assumes a North South house orientation without a huge amount of windows. Some shade and insulation if you have a roof that needs insulation. A white roof helps. It is important to have door sweeps and foam and I have sheet plastic on the inside of my windows to stop the heat from coming in. Of course I am from the South in the USA, ( 105 F in July) and an A/C junky so I don't open windows. It will take more A/C if you have kids too as they tend to open the doors frequently. The most important thing is to avoid air conditioning the outdoors. If you have a lot of air leaks or running in and out, you will have to size, and pay the electric, accordingly.
    I hope this is a help but check out what I say against your own sources.
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  6. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    If you see any "Chigo" units I would recommend those. Those things hold up quite well in the brutal heat of Afghanistan and Iraq (40-55°C). Everyone here talks sh*t about them but they don't realize just how much abuse they actually take (and that they are on 24/7 for years) before they actually break.
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  7. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I'm not too mechanically inclined and didn't understand his explanation and not sure I would believe the owner anyway who suggested I replace the inverter model. They were happy to sell me the more expensive inverter model in the first place.
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  8. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    I believe it is. There are times when I do not believe it is a required or cost-effective upgrade. (Such as in poorly insulated areas)
    Very logical. It probably is the choice for you.
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  9. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    The make of air conditioner is DAIKIN. That may be why you have not heard of Deakin, its a spelling mistake that may make it hard to find the brand of aircon that JP mentions.

    He and I both have them installed and we both used the same installer. But we purchased the units from different places. The installer is a private contractor. He did JPs install etc because he is on contract with Polaris (as I understand it) and he did my cleaning and re-install (my initial installer screwed it up) because I mentioned my good friend, JP, told me to ask as a favor. He charged me a little more than normal but he is good. I am happy to pay a little extra for extra quality. It was not easy to pin him down on a time to come and do it because he is usually fully booked and was reluctant to take on a new customer.

    This private contractor is a busy man. He has people working for him because he has got to the point where he cannot handle it all himself but if you are JP or some other VIP then you get the big guy himself to do the job for you. Mucho better!

    EDIT: It occurs to me that you are considering dealing direct with Polaris so it will likely be a simple matter for you to get Ding to install it. (He is on contract with them.) Its when you want to save a few pesos buying somewhere cheaper that you run into the question of who will install it and maintain it and take care of the warranty work. If I were a rich man, I would have bought mine from Polaris :-)
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    Last edited: May 16, 2017
  10. Wildcat

    Wildcat DI Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I don't know if this will help or not but here goes. I have 2 electrolux 1.5 hp non inverter type split air conditioners. I have had them both for almost 6 years with no problems. The only thing I do maintenance wise is keep them cleaned. They both perform well and keep me cool when needed. I use them both about equally at least 8 hours every day. My electric bill is varied between P4,000 and P 6,000 depending on what the temperature is outside. I have no insulation in the attic because I haven't been able to find anyone that even knows what it is. I do have a white roof though and I believe that helps some.
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