This sub-forum will have a thread created by user @VisayaCom every time NORECO II posts announcement and/or event to their Twitter page. The forum will check NORECO II's Twitter page every hour for updates. Users may reply to threads created here but the only user that has permission to create threads will be @VisayaCom.
If you "Watch" this forum and check the "Email" option in the pop-up Dumaguete Info will send you an email informing you of the most recent NORECO II announcement. Screenshots below:
1.) Click "Watch Forum".
2.) Select the type of notification you wish to receive.
3.) Hit the "Watch Forum" button.
To stop receiving email notifications you will have to "Unwatch" this sub-forum.
Note: Since only the VisayaCom user can create threads here you will only receive emails when a new announcement is posted. You will not receive email notifications if someone replies to any of these threads.
Emails will be sent to the email address you used to during registration on Dumaguete Info forum. If the forum cannot send you an email or you are unable to access that email account you will need to update your contact information in the forum account settings.
Threads here will be automatically hidden after 30 days so that only the most recent announcements will be visible. If you wish to see older announcements you can click "Click here to display older threads" that is located below the list of threads.
Threads and replies in this sub-forum will not show up in the "New Posts" page since you can see the most recent announcements in the "NORECO II Announcements" side widget located to the right of every page on the DI forum. This sub-forum is not designed for discussions, it is primarily designed to provide email notifications for members that wish to be informed of NORECO II announcements.
Also note that Dumaguete Info is not responsible for and has no control over when and what NORECO II posts to their Twitter page. You will get an email containing what NORECO II posts when they post it.