I believe I have resolved the private conversation bug. I have tested sending PMs through Chrome, Firefox and Edge and all three are sending without any issues now. (It was impossible for me to send a PM through Edge and I had about a 50% chance of it being sent with Chrome prior to the fix.)
You should notice that the "Contact" button under users' avatar is no longer there. To send a private message to a user you can click on their avatar and click "Start a Conversation". You can also go up to the top right of the page and click on the "Inbox" and then hit the "Start a New Conversation" link. With the second option you will have to manually enter in the user's username.
As for the login issues..... A few more head bangs against the wall and I might remember how I fixed that same problem years ago. Something to do with cache settings....I think.....or maybe it was a PHP mod. Back to troubleshooting
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