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Electronics & Appliances Best Posts in Thread: Best place to buy Custom PC?

  1. Show Pony

    Show Pony DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Algorithm Computers located on the north highway about 200 meters north of Cangs, same side of the road. I get most of my computer stuff there and they are very good.
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  2. JohnInValencia

    JohnInValencia DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Dont do it here in Dgte. Ive been building and modding boxes here for 11 years and everyone here charges a 25 to 40 percent premium on the parts and has very limited access to brands and models.

    I very highly recommend - Computer Parts, Laptops, Electronics and more! -Wired Systems Cebu Philippines
    in Cebu. Very professional and able to get just about any part Ive ever asked for. Prices are the best Ive found in PH. They test throughly and will burn in on request. You can walk in and establish a relationship or do everything by email and they will ship. I did the first couple in person but now I just email. They even honor manufacturers warrantes which shocked me.

    Check out their site. They have the most extensive catalog I've seen here.

    If you decide to do it here, I agree that Algorythm is the best but they are so popular there is always a long wait for service. Ace Logic used to be pretty good but the last couple years they seem to have fired all the experienced techs except the tech manager and replaced them all with on-the-job-trainees. Things they used to repair.... like power supplies and motherboards they now say you have to replace. They wanted me to charge me PT][1500 to replace a case because the reset/start button was broken. I fixed it myself in a half hour for P16.
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  3. horizon155

    horizon155 DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor

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    Or not,

    Just from over a decade of experience i've found that a local shop can be a great asset, providing you have some idea of what you need the computer to do. They all need to make money of course and you want the best deal. The comment about googling was probably spot on because doing a little research helps ( A lot of the big brand names ive had very bad experiences with out of box/non-tested or non-working units with poor support) - Buying locally allows it to be tested , a lot easier to have some where to walk into with it if it isn't functioning properly.

    A lot of the locals shop their competition so they know the going prices but again its easy to get into that "forienger" rate mentality and get over quoted if you aren't familiar with the going rates.

    After stopping into Algorithm on someone's advice, I noticed they do just what i mentioned and would expect. They provide the customer with a sheet of several current options depending on what the needs of the buyer are. (What they need it for) - and also the customers Budget - They then list the components of the Build detailed down to the make/model even price , so you know exactly what parts are in the machine, the detailed specs, and that everyone should be getting this price as it blantantly listed on their specs sheet which is handed out to everyone that is interested in a new build.

    Thanks for the advice and supportive comments. I've found some great places and struck up some great informative conversations with local "experts"
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  4. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    FYI, I have found that these taxes are usually an overpayment at the time of invoice and they refund it back to your card in about 6 weeks. Just happened to me where half the tax came back.

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  5. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    We had one built as we waited, at Technomart in Robinson’s. We built a tower with 7th gen i5 (best I could find, no i7) but this fast 3.8 GHz i5 will do the job. We used 8 Gb RAM (normal here is 4 Gb).
    We added a 2 Tb hardfile 7200rpm partitioned into two 1 Tb disks.we added a PCI WiFi card rather than use a USB WiFi dongle. Added my own Bluetooth usb dongle. The chassis has Asus brand on it; perhaps motherboard is actually Asus, not sure, don’t care. They threw in 23 inch monitor for free, we upgraded to Asus monitor. They threw in cheap subwoofer/stereo external sound system that actually sounds quite good. For some reason, keyboard and mouse not included. You can buy a cheap keyboard for P250 or so. We use our own Logitech solar keyboard/mouse brought here from US. Not a bad price. As mentioned they will build while you wait if you wish. Could take a few hours from start thru final test.

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