Either fish or cut bait.
That is, pay for her annulment, or pound sand.
Yes, I have known guys who lived in the Philippines with married women - AND got away with it. I have also known guys who lived with married women, and the Filipino husband found out about it. Not so good afterward.
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Paul DI Member Showcase Reviewer
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I don't think "jealousy" is pertinent to this particular issue anyway. If the husband abandoned wife and kids a long time ago and is with one (or several) new fools as his girlfriends, I hardly think he could credibly be jealous of the wife. It's greed and retribution that would be the drivers of his legal complaint.
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Mom Miriam DI Member
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"Whoever commits adultery with a woman has no sense...
... because jealousy arouses a husband's fury. The husband will show no mercy when he takes revenge. No amount of money will change his mind. The largest bribe will not satisfy him." Proverbs 6:32-35 GOD'S WORD® Translation
As an example, here is a local occurence in 2010: Briton, 28, killed in Philippines by jealous boyfriend of woman he intended to marry | Daily Mail Online
So, in Philippines, yes, it is best to court and/or date only a Filipina singleton, and never a legally-married, a common-law married, an engaged, or a betrothed woman, to keep one's good health.-
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Last edited: Feb 17, 2018 -
Doesn't matter if the guy is with another person. The rules are different for cheating men.
I believe it is 7 years in prison for the wife and her lover. The husband has to be willing to throw the wife in prison along with her new bf. Which means he will have to actually man up and take care of, and pay for, any kids the marriage produced. Unless the husband is connected or has plenty of money (usually comes hand in hand in the Philippines) the chances of him dropping all that money on legal fees and taking responsibility for any children, are very slim. (It is much cheaper to just have you killed if he has a problem with it.)-
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Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer
Chances are the husband is also with someone else. The best way is to look into getting an annulment. Depending on her financial situation she can get representation from the legal section of the Hall of Justice. Might also want to look into getting a legal separation. Just a few alternatives. If she balks at either of these chances are you might want to steer very clear.
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Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster
EDIT: Think about it. If a filipina is still single after age 30 she is considered an "Old Maid" so if you want to go out with someone who is 30 or older, what is the chance that she is really single? Keeping in mind that there is no divorce here your chances are pretty slim. The trick is getting her to admit it. At least one filipina I know committed bigamy and got away with it for years before it caught up to her. Be careful gentlemen.-
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Best to move on unless you are head over heals, which means you aren't thinking straight anyways. Lots of effort to get this worked out.
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