The Filipino character:
Hello forum members, we tend to criticize with our Western mentality to Filipino behavior or circumstances. But what I experienced tonight is unique !!!
Our 10 month old female Belgian Shepherd Dog escaped accidentally from our property and we searched for her in vain desperately for one our in the darkness of the night.
Coincidentally there were 10 Filipinos playing basketball at 11 pm in the night in the neighborhood and I told them about our loss. They immediately stopped playing basketball and said “we will help you to find the dog” and behold, they managed to find our beloved dog in the deep darkness.
We were so thankful to them for this amazing act of kindness.
Best Posts in Thread: Good things about the Philippines
Justice911 DI Member Restricted Account Showcase Reviewer
I am one of the Filipinos living abroad for so long who appreciates the things discussed in this forum.-
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ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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In no specific order, a couple things off the top of my head:
The weather...especially Negros as we seem to miss the destructiveness of the typhoons.
Cost of living; can be relatively cheap depending upon your lifestyle.
The fact most locals speak English; makes getting around/shopping/etc. much easier.
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NAIA - Ninoy Aquino International Airport - Manila's international airport (aka MNL)
AKA - also known as.
The number after NAIA (1, 2, 3 or 4) is going to be the terminal.
These are quite common acronyms for the Philippines. Worth learning them.-
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Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer
Was in the PAL Lounge at NAIA 2 on Saturday. Some gentleman had gotten up and his wallet and cellphone had fallen out of his pocket onto the seat. He had left to go someplace. A PAL employee saw it and asked around if anyone knew who the owner was or where they were. One person pointed out the fathers daughter. The employee collected the items and asked the girl if they were her Dad's. She said they were and immediately got him, then made a little fun of him. Good things do happen.
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Justice911 DI Member Restricted Account Showcase Reviewer
Some weeks ago my wife lost her Debit-Master Card of Metrobank under an ATM on the day she got a Phone-call, from the main branch, that the Card was brought to another branch and they transfered it to the main branch (our branch) and they informed her by phone.
Weeks later my Advanzia-Bank-Creditcard fall out of my wallet in front of the ATM of the Metro-Bank-Main-branch but I did not recognize it and waited for some reasons in front of the branch in my car.
Suddenly the guard came: "Are you Mr. XXXX"...."Yes I am"...."A customer brought your Credit card inside the branch and the employees asked me, the guard, if I did see you and as there was a foreigner sitting in his car, I asked him for his name."
So honest, modest and helpful most Filipinos are !!!-
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A very nice happening for me in Manila. I was on the way to the pier to purchase tickets for a ship travel. My map had an error on it. A pinoy asked me where I want to go then he lead me to the port thru a labyrinth of small ways. He did not wanted anything for the help.
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Thank you for sharing that. I found that when we lived there, the people were the kindest, most accommodating people just about anywhere on the planet. Always willing to lend a hand with smile!
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