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Best Posts in Thread: Really nice of the pricks

  1. Liverpool fan

    Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    All the choice we make in life have consequences, some of them are out of our hands, the world is not and will never be fair. Health care is one of the biggest issues when you live in the Philippines IMHO. Every single person makes its own choice, I have 2 times had an accident on a bike, broken shoulder and broken hips and other injuries. Hospitals here are like Monthy python show, sir we need to inform you that we not sure you wake up again after operation lol. Me, how big is the risk? The doctor says just relax only like 50% lol. My choice to live here, of course, I want go to Cebu or Manila and have the operation, but with broken hips and heavy pain, not easy to find out how to go there. My choice to live here, need to accept the circumstances in the 3. world or stay home
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  2. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    And, in addition to the quality of healthcare, the financial risk is a big unknown here. For some ex-pats it is no different than in their home countries, but for others it can be a big shock. I know someone who spent 2 million pesos on heart surgery here so, unless people have plenty of spare cash, health insurance (proper one, not just Philhealth) is essential - the catch is that those with low income are the ones who will find that difficult.
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  3. AlwaysRt

    AlwaysRt DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force Marines

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    While I certainly miss getting travel pay, the VA is actually discriminating For us. We are the only ones outside US Territory that have anything (besides FMP). The VA here is for the WWII Filipino Vets because the Philippines was a Territory then and the US is honoring that commitment. Since it is here they have allowed us in also, limited to rated disabilities only. We all have the option to avail of local medical care and submit receipts for reimbursement from FMP. Since the FMP system is far from perfect I still make my twice a year appointments at VA Manila. Sucks but for me still better than dealing with FMP.
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  4. gerry_bc

    gerry_bc DI Forum Adept

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    I can think of about 10 guys who have passed away here in the last 18 months who wish they had this problem.....
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