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Siaton Best Posts in Thread: Body of foreigner found floating in the sea, no foul play suspected.

  1. chi town

    chi town DI Member Showcase Reviewer Air Force Active Duty

    Trophy Points:
    +47 / 1
    Not vengeful, angry
    The sea is not, it just is.
    The foreigner now, isn't.
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  2. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

    Trophy Points:
    +1,465 / 822
    The aging foreigners in this forum better check their coats for signs.

    And let this be a warning. Any foreigners caught wearing "I Love Nazareth" shirts at sea will get thrown right the fu*k out.

    Right, maybe the missing foreigner and the dead foreigner are the same person. It would be quite the mindfu*ck for the Philippines to be searching for you as a suspect in your own death.

    I'll just go ahead and place a tip here for the police. Look for the suspect in the St. Louis. Peter Funeral Home!
    • Funny Funny x 6
    • Genius Genius x 2
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