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Best Posts in Thread: Sto. Rosario Height

  1. Hindgt

    Hindgt DI New Member

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    Warning about Sto. Rosario Heigth in Dumaguete

    If you are planning to rent an apartment in Sto. Rosario, then consider this warning.

    There are many people in this area who do not follow Philippine rules and laws. This applies above all the disturbances at night. Dogs on some property and free-running dogs on the street sometimes bark for hours without the owners taking care of it. Rabies vaccination for street dogs? Forget it and be careful.

    It is common to incinerate waste of all sorts wherever and whenever although it is forbidden (Republic Act 9003). The result is polluted breathing air. Partly also toxic substances are burned, a disaster for young and older people in particular.

    In new building sites it is sometimes even worked at night and of course on Saturday and Sunday.

    Since one year, the number of fighting cocks on private land has increased significantly. Expect a cock “concert” at the latest from 3 o'clock in the morning, may be very near to your pillow in bed.

    If you're looking for a quiet, healthy-looking area, avoid Sto. Rosario.

    A good quality of life can hardly be mentioned here at this Sto. Rubbish Rosario Height.
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  2. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Perhaps it is somewhere in between: No one should expect to move to a country as a guest, which includes all expats of course, and then dictate terms. But, I see no reason why any organisation, even nations, should reject the benefits of modelling - if guests can provide ideas, based on previous observations elsewhere, then it is 100% up to the country to take it on-board or not. The common consensus here on this Forum seems always to have been that if we cannot accept what we find then move away - so it is a case of accepting the situation as it is but offering appropriate advice, perhaps only when asked, and doing so with respect to a country's culture, which existed long before any of us were born.
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  3. Edward K

    Edward K DI Senior Member Veteran Navy

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    Hey Happy, I think you've got it backwards. As a "foreigner," we need to adapt to the culture of the place to which we moved. Do not expect the Filipinos to adapt to our ways, they're mostly happier than a bunch of cranky foreigners... That's like Muslims wanting the residents of the country to where they moved, to adapt Sharia law or Filipinos expecting people in California to speak only tagalog.

    We can hope and encourage Filipinos to vote for clean politicians like the US (kidding, don't touch..), but that's their choice. We do not want a repeat of the US destroying the successful Muslim administration of Mindanao as they did in the first decades of the 20th century, giving the government and the land to "christians" thus beginning a century of resistance to foreign imposed government. And don't get me started on colonial Catholicism.
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    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019
  4. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Better than a Mosque! My opinion yours may differ!
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  5. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Sure - it has not gone away in developed countries but much of it is hidden on the golf course or private clubs.
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  6. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    OK, I think some of you read more into my comment about accepting things as they are, than was intended. Let me clarify.

    I agree, as a "foreigner" I prefer guest of another country that we make the attempt to integrate into their society, not push our society onto them.

    What I was talking about was the mindset of the Filipino, as I presume that is what Glendazumba was inferring. As long as the Filipino people keep that attitude, then they get what it brings. It is up to them to change if they want to, rather than just complain.

    Hope this clarifies it for those that need it.
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  7. Glendazumba

    Glendazumba DI Forum Adept

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    Obviously, you are not yet used to the Pinoy way of life----Filipinos live like that----

    And by the way, Dumaguete is still partly rural so it is normal to see goats, dogs, cats, carabaos, ducks,chickens, cows, etc. crossing the streets. They do make noise like their humans. It will probably take some getting used to before you can sleep in peace.

    I have been to Sto. Rosario Heights a couple of times and I think it is way, way better than all the other housing projects in the city. I think you only need to accept the way things are. Hopefully, things will get better in the future.
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  8. Dr. Shiva

    Dr. Shiva DI Senior Member

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    I would recomment Siquijor for a more quiet living.
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  9. Francois

    Francois DI Junior Member

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    Dumaguete Junob
    +37 / 8
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    I rent an appartment in Santo Rosario Heights since about a year. I don't have the kind of problems you evocate. It's a bit noisy as on the main street but it doesn't bother me, I have constantly all the windows open and I sleep very well at night. I sleep early as usually I wake up at dawn, aroud 5:30 am, and I practice 1h30 to 2 hours of mountain bike every morning from here to Valencia and Bacong.

    There are lots of dogs on the roads and trails as well as other animals, cows, goats... Dogs like to sleep on the roads. I'm used too and it doesn't bother me.

    Also when nights are rainy, frogs can be a bit noisy.

    What you describe with free-running dogs and fighting cocks in Santo Rosario Heights is very common in the baranguays here in Dumaguete-Valencia-Bacong, nothing specific to Junob and especially Santo Rosario Heights.

    I have a good quality of life here in Santo Rosario Heights, with a bit of fresher air than in downtown Dumaguete and less pollution...
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  10. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    That's exactly what they're doing now, Chinese and South Koreans are flooding into this country. As for corruption, that won't go away anytime soon unfortunately.
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