How about some really good looking okra?
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ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
It is good following this thread, and similar ones @ShawnM started, at a time when news is dominated by THE virus.
A few months ago, and I cannot even recall when (maybe 5 to 6 months) I put an avocado stone into the almost pure sand (I probably added some compost but as it was so long ago I can't recall - old age!) in the corner of my lot and looked weekly for any growth. I gave up after a while and assumed it had rotted.
Today I just happened to look there and to my pleasant surprise I saw a 4 inch plant (patience is a virtue).
I would post a pic but it keeps telling me "The uploaded file was not an image as expected." It is a .jpg but this is probably due to my internet being a bit useless currently (although the file loaded very quickly).-
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Last edited: Mar 21, 2020 -
ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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The raised beds are about done, some cosmetic work left. Some plants were transplanted and a number of seeds direct sown. Most of the plants in the picture will be headed out front.
I did decide to go with some older banana trees to make a fill for the garden, the wife went a bit more than I wanted for the vermicompost/rice hull mix to fill everything in, so we will see how the plants do in that area. Getting the older banana trees cost very little.
The seed flat I put the cactus seeds are germinating...took a couple months and don't look like I expected but know for sure I only sowed cactus seeds in that flat. They don't look as I expected so will have to update to be sure. Nothing so far on the citrus, which is disappointing but it is what it is.
The tomato seedlings were decimated, from birds as the wife as they were my favorite. The plan is to direct seed more tomatoes in the raised gardens with netting installed to prevent the birds. Had good luck with them before so not sure what happened.
ShawnAttached Files:
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Last edited: Mar 7, 2020 -
I'm not growing ornamental plants, that may be completely different. I'm growing corn, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, squash, broccoli, and peechay (for now). I have six large (about 15m x 1.5m) raised concrete growing beds filled with garden soil and compost and built-in irrigation. The construction was just finished at the end of last summer, so I'm still learning (and struggling). For example, if my corn takes 90 days from planting to harvest, then I plant one-third of a container, wait a month and plant another third, wait a month and plant the final third. When the first batch if ready I harvest that and re-pant. That way I almost always have fresh corn that I can take out of my garden. It's really nice to not have to worry about seasons, also nice to have helpers
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My black cherry tomatoes are happy and starting to ripen.
I think we can say it's possible...
Looking forward to eat'em
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ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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No need for bags.
These are old vinagre containers, sold @ 10 piso per container in Duma
I have seeds, plenty.
Beef type and cherry typesAttached Files:
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Sorry to hear about your seedlings.
I have had some tops eaten too, but not too many.
Other then that had leaf miners that I killed.
I am using Aspirin every two weeks to strengthen the plants.
Given away a bunch of plants now as I had way too many, hope those that got them know what to do.
I grow in rice sacks, those thin pot bags and I made upside down pots for a few too.
Diversified one might say.
Guess that my cherries will give fruit in not too long as I have flowers already.
Going to transplant the beef tomato plants in larger sack/pots in a week's time.
I got plenty of seeds guys..hint hintAttached Files:
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My beef tomatoes are progressing together with my black cherry tomatoes.
Since beef tomatoes is very tricky here, I use every trick in the bookAttached Files:
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