Does watching a conservative orange imbecile on the news saying that giving hand outs to the poor in a p*ss poor attempt to get re-elected count? If so the....yes.
Best Posts in Thread: The effect on businesses
ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army
I also agree that supporting small businesses is a must right now and if you can help by patronizing them a bit more it will really help. A LOT of small businesses are already suffering and having probably their worst month of the last few years right now and it will just get worse.
As far as how businesses are handling things earlier today I ran out of break and the local 7-11 was out of stock (I eat the Gardania bread). They also carry it at Mercury around the corner from Robinsons so I stopped there to buy break quick. However they had the doors locked instituting a 6 customer at a time max policy and a few looked to just be mildly browsing. Of course the security guard is letting every elderly person jump to the front to get in which made it near impossible for others to get in since there was always another elderly walking up. I got lucky though as just needed bread which was next to the door counter and talked the guard into giving me a loaf for exact change so I didn't have to enter.
Anyways I'll encourage and even plead to my fellow foreigners who can, please help support the local economy of small businesses as much as you reasonably can. We aren't in fear of losing mcdonalds, jollibee, or even mercury but all those little places could go belly up within a month.-
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I wouldn't recommend Apple though. Businesses that rely on foot traffic/in person sales/deliveries to make money will likely be hurting for a bit. However, if you can predict (or get lucky on guessing) when this social distancing stuff will end you could jump in right when those stocks recover. But thinking you can time the markets, especially if you don't even know how to get into the markets, would be highly inadvisable. Even the most seasoned investors can't reliably do that.-
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
Agree x 2
Last edited: Mar 18, 2020 -