Running out of money is the only reason I can see for wanting to leave.
The death tolls for place like Iran, Italy etc. are fairly high.
The virus has been around Manila and area for a while, maybe a month or longer. So far there are not very many death for a city of 12 million.
Maybe being here in the PI may not be such a bad thing.
Best Posts in Thread: maybe we can get out.
Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
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Im sure most of these supposed foreigners that fled to the hills, are just tourists/backpackers,
(I mean tourists in the true sense of the word) trying to get out as they will run out of cash etc etc.
the older settled brigade like myself, where are we going to flee too, why would we flee, whats all the panic about, we were here for all 3 months of the China crisis, and we never left, never had any intention to leave, sat back watched the news and sipped our Pilsen. The Island is awash with good veggies, chicken, rice, pork, fruit
relax with all this trapped talk-
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ok so a coast guard boat left this morning at 10 am with expats for cebu if you are in Dumaguete and need to leave text to this number and let them no you need to get out. If we get another boat load maybe we can is the number......09173042613
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