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Best Posts in Thread: Implementing Rules and Guidelines for Enhanced Quarantine

  1. kelpguy

    kelpguy DI Senior Member

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    call it a senior moment:
    i was thinking the EQ doesn't go into effect until monday, so i went into Duma from Sibulan this am to give getting some groceries one last try before the color pass thing takes effect.

    i got on the Diversion rd about 8am and i was the only vehicle on the road until the turn off at Magatas where, to my surprise, there was a checkpoint. i was asked for ID, my EQ pass and destination; i told them Lee Plaza. no answer when i told them i thot the EQ didn't take effect until monday and i was released.

    a tire disinfection station is set up just before Camanjac central and a checkpoint at the Camanjac intersection by the school. my temperature was taken and i was released.

    i took Rovira all the way to Hibbard and then to Lee Plaza; still hardly any vehicles, even when crossing the hi-way, never seen anything like it. got to LP and only a couple of bikes in the bike parking area in front of Union Drug; no attendant. where is everyone? maybe i need to start listening to the radio.

    parked and looked towards Robinsons and no line on the sidewalk, so i figured they were closed. went to LP and lines on the sidewalk but not all that long, maybe 50 people (amazing!). got let into LP at 9am and got my necessities; stocks are down considerably; no lines at check outs. looked at Rob's entrance when back on the rd and they we open but no lines.

    went to Yan Yan and no lines at entrance or checkouts. wow!

    stopped at the Daro market to get some red tomatoes, seniors can't get in, so i walked along the fence looking inside until i saw a vender with red tomatoes. i was about to holler at the vender when a (senior) vender saw me and asked what i wanted, got it for me, handed it over the fence and i was on my way.

    i normally don't ride the hi-way between Sibulan and Duma but i thot i've give it a go since traffic was minimal.
    there was a checkpoint and tire wash before the airport, in the southbound lane: short line.. also, a bike was being hosed down at the checkpoint.

    had a relaxing ride to Sibulan, for a change. passed the Sibulan public mkt; no lines.

    no color code restrictions all the way, maybe they are waiting for more passes to get circulated.

    ABSOLUTELY the best shopping trip i've taken to Duma in 9 years, hope yours is the same...
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  2. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    None of us including the Philippines government were prepared for this epidemic. It must be extremely difficult to think of all the repercussions when you quickly have to take strategic steps to address this calamity so I can understand the government making multiple changes as necessary. There may not be a “perfect solution” so making modifications as we move forward and see what is working and what is not is going to happen and we need to be flexible and smart. Let’s hope the next 14 days will put us ahead of the curve. Painful but necessary.
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  3. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Ditto - except no 2m stack of pizza boxes! Even as I read your post I had to check the day. It is Friday - where did Tue, Wed, Thurs go?

    Am a great believer in accepting that people can do only what is possible in the circumstances - including what resources they have. For example, if you are stuck in a trailer then you think what is the best you can do for yourself and your family. In this situation I think the Philippines has done a fairly good job - we have to consider their lack of resources and (hate to say this but...) their complex bureaucracy when they lack the skills to implement it.
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    Last edited: Apr 3, 2020
  4. kelpguy

    kelpguy DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
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    i don't understand why valencia and bacong would close the fresh markets, cept that the people in charge don't value fresh foods and or, have a personal interest in a sari-sari, mini-mart, etc.

    valencia has a huge sports field where venders could spread out, bacong has the concrete fish area and the adjacent hiway sidewalk where the lanzone venders set up; it wouldn't be that hard to maintain physical distancing. what's to happen with the fresh produce farmer's have taken months to grow? store brought shrink wrapped/foam trays produce leaves something to desire...
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  5. btd

    btd DI Member

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    I tend to lean toward the idea that such statements from him are sometimes not meant literally but as a means to get compliance. A controversial method for sure but perhaps ultimately rooted in pragmatism guided by the understanding that it may be the most useful means to encourage obedience in a society notorious for bending or ignoring the rules. Duterte understands the mind of the Filipino.
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  6. kelpguy

    kelpguy DI Senior Member

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    hang on, i'm sure they are overwhelmed and doing their best. i was at the sibulan barangay hall at 8am this morning (4th visit) and was told someone would be stopping by my house ''later.'' sure enuff, 7pm this evening, i hear someone at the gate and it was the same guy that i talked with in the morning; a regular saint (working a twelve hour+ day and nite!)
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  7. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    just been informed by the barangay the paper passes we got issued a few days back are invalid,the barangay will issue new colour coded passes tto each household this fri.
    There is some issues about 65 yr olds as i have one here who is alone and needs to get to the bank so spoke with the mayor and he will get a clearance for this. Another barangay in bacong has told a friend of mine who is 63 he cannot get a pass even though it states the age of 65 so a few barangays have no idea about the order from the govenor.

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  8. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Exactly why my stress levels have remained quite low during all this. The contradictions and mismanagement when I hear locals and foreigners complain about it all always make me smile...it is almost as if people thought the government was competent and capable of managing a country even in good times. :o o: I just politely remind complaining locals that they should remember all this when it comes time for elections.

    I'm actually quite impressed, so far, with how things have been going despite the government's normal blatant and inexcusable shortcomings and negligence.

    But then again, maybe this would explain my feelings on the current situation:
    I tried to collect all the pizza boxes and bottles from the start of this COVID-19 stuff just for laughs but I quickly ran out of room and was told by the SO that I had to get rid of it (the pizza boxes were already stacked 2+ meters high). This is just from the last week...or two? I'm not exactly sure what day it is. Time is flying by; any time someone mentions the day off the week I'm always surprised and my internal clock thinks it is at least 3 days prior to the current date.
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  9. mattchu5150

    mattchu5150 DI Member

    Trophy Points:
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    So I get this straight, coming from Sibulan, I need a pass, to get a pass to exchange for a pass to get into the city the same 2 days and times as everyone else who doesn't live downtown? My research tells me there are gonna be huge crowds on Tuesday and Thursday. I still thought Sunday was a no one moves day.

    This is all starting to seem like a 7th grade classroom experiment. I am thinking now to try not to leave my house at all for the next 14 days, there are still some chickens wandering around in the yard. :sneaky:
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  10. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    On an island
    +5,126 / 466
    Now the bacong mayor closed the veggie market on highway for two weeks,i presume this will also mean the fish market also.
    This means everyone will need to go to dumaguete for food. None of this makes any sense. As long as there was some sort of structure to the market with a couple of enforcers it would work. Logic and common sense,where is it?
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    Last edited: Apr 2, 2020