Best Posts in Thread: Negros Oriental General Community Quarantine - OFFICIAL RELEASES
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DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
Marmar DI Junior Member
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Mom Miriam DI Member
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On April 9, 2021, the Governor of Negros Oriental issued Executive Order No. 10, Series of 2021, consisting of page 1 and page 2. It declares, among others, that
"... 2. All travelers are therefore TEMPORARILY REQUIRED to present a Negative RT-PCR result PRIOR TO TRAVEL with a validity period of 72 hours from date of release while there is an upsurge of CoViD-19 cases in some parts of the country; ..."
The Guidelines take effect immediately.-
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Last edited: Apr 12, 2021 -
Mom Miriam DI Member
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1. Most new changes in procedure affect only inbound Locally Stranded Individuals (LSIs), Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs) or Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), and Authorized Persons Outside Of Residence (APORs).
2. Some new provisions relate to inbound foreign travellers and these are:
2.1. “Travelers are no longer required to present a Negative RT-PCR result;” (see page 1 of Executive Order No. 6, s. 2021 at https://scontent.fmnl6-1.fna.fbcdn....=e813ce0095566818dee951fb6299e0ed&oe=606E2F85For a complete copy, page 3 of Executive Order No. 6 is posted at https://scontent.fmnl6-1.fna.fbcdn....=bf3a326dda7710acfb331e8acdac56d0&oe=606D6AE8
An exception is Dumaguete LGU’s continuing inbound travel requirement of a Certificate of Acceptance obtained thru site pre-registration with an uploaded scan of pre-departure negative RT-PCR test result valid within 72 hours from test release. It is expected to be in effect until DOST’s S-Pass becomes ready and in full implementation.
2.2. “Travelers are required to coordinate with their LGUs of final destination pending the institutionalization of the Safe, Swift, and Smart Passage (S-Pass) Travel Management System in accordance to Resolution No. 101 (D) (1) issued by the National IATF;” (see page 2 of the said issuance at https://scontent.fmnl6-1.fna.fbcdn....=b22ed29c13b0131a6d3163c0b726d63c&oe=606F8CBA).
The DILG Region VII Office officially posted today a quick-glance comparison of travel requirements among Central Visayas destination LGUs (Dumaguete LGU yet to be added) at https://scontent.fmnl6-2.fna.fbcdn....=7ba610d18962c16244a8175df4759474&oe=606DDD62
2.3. “All Cities and Municipalities, through their Punong Barangays, shall direct their Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams (BHERTs) to monitor the health status of the travellers who arrived in their respective barangays and if a traveller develop symptoms of ILI, to report this immediately to their local City/Municipal Health Office.” (see page 2 of the same said issuance).
This means that not only residents of Sibulan but now all arrived travelers throughout the province - Filipinos and foreigners alike - will be monitored for health and wellness; and, if suspected to be with ILI symptoms, these will be reported to the local health authority.
Taking the two issuances together:
On one hand, some provisions in Executive Order No. 5, s. 2021 are explicitly repeated in Executive Order No. 6, s. 2021 in the giving of force and effect. The most important is reiteration of policy that, upon arrival, all travellers will be subject to strict clinical and exposure assessment at point of entry and those found symptomatic will be quarantined at an isolation facility while those found asymptomatic will be permitted to proceed to go home or to destination.
On the other hand, some provisions in Executive Order No. 5 are not explicitly repeated yet continue to be given force and effect by implication because these do not contradict or countervail against any provision in Executive Order No. 6, s. 2021. Therefore the following directives go without repeating: strict implementation of minimum public health standards; strict implementation of clinical and exposure assessment in all ports of entry; exception of destination LGUs requiring pre-travel tests but limited to RT-PCR test; installation of quarantine/isolation of facilities on all ports/terminals; option for LGUs to provide transportation for arriving travellers transiting from one LGU to another; and option of travellers to isolate at their preferred DOH-accredited establishments but at their own expense.-
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Last edited: Mar 11, 2021 -
Mom Miriam DI Member
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On March 7, 2021, in English and Bisaya versions and as announced by City Mayor Felipe Remollo's local implementation of IATF Resolution No. 101, S. 2021, the LGU officially posted Entry Procedure advisories continuing to require a Certificate of Acceptance as travel prequisite to enter Dumaguete. Here is the English version at
For March 1-31, 2021 or until amended, one needs to FIRST ACCOMPLISH THESE STEPS before actually travelling to enter Dumaguete:
1.) So you need to register at www dot registerdumaguete dot com. Before you do this, first have yourself RT-PCR swab-tested at a DOH-accredited test center and obtain a negative test result. The registration page rejects submission and produces an error message if no copy of a test result is uploaded.
The Dumaguete LGU registration site provides a convenient list of DOH-accredited test centers by region.
For Philippine Air Lines passengers, the airline also provides a convenient list by region of PAL's DOH-accredited test center partners at PAL also allows passengers to avail of its in-house DOH-accredited testing centers located at the PAL Learning Center (PLC), Padre Faura, Manila and at PAL Gate 3, Andrews Avenue, Pasay City and accepts refundable online pre-payments, as announced at
For Cebu Pacific Air passengers, the airline also has its own DOH-accredited test center partners and provides a convenient link for test center appointment booking at Releases/DispForm.aspx?ID=1294&Source= Domestic tourists are encouraged to avail of a subsidized RT-PCR test at the UP Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH) with 50% of the original cost to be subsidized by the Department of Tourism (DOT) through the Tourism Promotions Board (TPB), leaving only PHP 900 to be paid for by the passenger. To apply for this, a traveler must register five (5) days before before his trip via
2.) Upon receipt of the RT-PCR negative test result, scan it for uploading and then input your personal data to register at www dot registerdumaguete dot com The registration site should accept your submission with a scanned copy of the test result.
3.) You need wait only 24 hours to receive a Certificate of Acceptance by email.
4.) While waiting, because the RT-PCR negative test result is valid for only 72 hours from test result release date, arrange a confirmed travel booking to board your flight, ship, or bus within 3-5 days from date of release of negative test result.
The points of entry are: Dumaguete-Sibulan Airport, Dumaguete Seaport, Tampi (Amlan) Seaport, Basay Boundary, Mabinay Boundary, Vallehermoso Boundary, and Canlaon Boundary.
MNL-DGT and CEB-DGT transportations by PAL or Cebu Pacific Air flights and by passenger boats are all operational and also by bus and ferry boats, as announced at https://scontent.fmnl6-1.fna.fbcdn....=d3d5a4fe923c2cd39e9bcaf476171f2c&oe=606C037F
5.) You must continue to observe minimum public health standards of mandatory wearing of face mask/shield, cough ettiquette, hand washing and physical distancing throughout transit to evade community transmissions or else catch infection along the way.
6.) At arrival airport, seaport or bus terminal, expect strict clinical or contact assessment supervised by medical professionals. Unfortunately, if you are found to have symptoms, you will be swabbed and then transferred to a holding facility while awaiting arrival RT-PCR test result notwithstanding the fact that you have a pre-departure negative RT-PCR test result.
As stipulated in Provincial Executive Order No. 5 S. 2021 at Post #33, if you are found positive of CoViD-19 disease, you will be transferred to the port/terminal's quarantine/isolation facility or handed over to the LGU's facilities. If you opt to be isolated at a preferred DOH-accredited establishment, you shall shoulder all costs of your stay at your own expense. The Dumaguete LGU registration site conveniently provides a list of accommodations pre-assessed by the Dumaguete City Health Department.
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Last edited: Mar 8, 2021 -
Mom Miriam DI Member
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Happy summer, everyone! The Philippine News Agency reports at that Negros Oriental Governor Roel De Gamo released today Executive Order No. 5, signed on March 2, 2021, to adopt the uniform travel protocols newly established under IATF Resolution No. 101, Series 2021.
For page 1 of said Executive Order No. 5, S 2021 here is a copy at https://scontent.fmnl3-1.fna.fbcdn....=f55bcb694ebd5034090b0ee010abd663&oe=60657952
For page 2 of said Executive Order No. 5, here is a copy at https://scontent.fmnl3-1.fna.fbcdn....=e71c12333fdf7d75808a196a029007fe&oe=6067C830
For page 3 of said Executive Order No. 5, here is a copy at https://scontent.fmnl3-1.fna.fbcdn....=6279429fca5ae74b00a6100ea27d9db4&oe=60650E06
In general, the following summarizes the 3-page guidelines:
1. Practice of minimum public health standards - wearing of face mask and shield, hand sanitizing, cough etiquette, and physical distancing, among others - is still required.
2. The Joint Task Force CoViD Travel Authority issued by the local Philippine National Poilce and Medical Clearance Certificates issued by the City/Municipal Health Office of the place of origin are no longer required for travel.
3. Travelers shall be subject to mandatory strict clinical and exposure assessment, supervised by medical doctors, at port/terminal of entry and exit; and only asymptomatic and/or non-close contact travelers will be allowed departure or entry.
4. Quarantine is no longer a prerequisite for travel but, if a traveler exhibits symptoms upon arrival at port/terminal of destination, he will be quarantined.
5. Testing is no longer a prerequisite for travel but, if the LGU of destination requires it, a valid negative RT-PCR test result obtained before departure would serve well.
7. Travelers required by the LGU of destination who omit or fail to obtain a negative RT-PCR test result at origin will be swabbed upon arrival and then detained at a holding facility while awaiting test result.
7.1. If found positive of CoViD-19 disease, travelers shall be transferred to the port/terminal's quarantine/isolation facility or handed over to the destination LGU's facilities.The Dumaguete LGU, reportedly mulling over continuing pre-requirement of a Certificate of Acceptance for entry, has yet to issue its City Executive Order implementing IATF Resolution No. 101, S. 2021.
7.2. Travelers found positive of CoViD-19 at destination who opt to isolate at their chosen DOH-accredited establishments shall shoulder all costs of their stay at their own expense.
Pleasant summer holiday to all and remember to keep safe!-
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Last edited: Mar 4, 2021 -
Click on the little "f" in the upper right to go to the page on FaceBook. It works even if you do not have a FB account.
Click on the little "f" in the upper right to go to the page on FaceBook. It works even if you do not have a FB account.-
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Last edited: Jul 8, 2020 -
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