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  1. Dutchjob

    Dutchjob DI Member

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    Since you guys are interested in Vitamine C (Ascorbic Acid) i can advise you to look into the differences between Ascorbic Acid (chemical) and Vitamine C complex (natural).

    Looks like it is quiet a waste to take high doses of Ascorbic Acid alone, or even harmfull.
    It is the whole Vitamine C Complex you need, and this you will get from natural vitamine C and not chemically made Ascorbic Acid.

    There is a lot of information about this available online, this sums it up a bit:


    Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) or Natural C Complex

    Attention! New research has shown that high doses of Vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid can be harmful. The studies showed that over 500 mg of ascorbic acid per day caused the muscle layer inside the arteries to thicken thus narrowing the inside diameter of the arteries causing reduced blood flow.

    Years ago, when Vitamin C was discovered, ascorbic acid was the only component of the complex identified; therefore, ascorbic acid was named Vitamin C. Since then, other components of the complex have been found. Unfortunately, the definition of Vitamin C didn’t change. Ascorbic acid is the only thing that can be called Vitamin C. The other parts of the complex are P, K, and J factors, and tyrosinase (organic copper). P factors help strengthen blood vessels thus preventing bruising and bleeding gums. K factors help with blood coagulation, and J factors help with the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. An analogy can be made between taking Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and eating an egg. If you take Vitamin C as ascorbic acid only, it is like you are eating the eating the eggshell of the egg and not the egg. Ascorbic acid is the antioxidant part of the C complex that protects the other valuable components from being oxidized. In order to make Vitamin C complete, you need all the components, not just ascorbic acid.

    I did a search on the internet on ascorbic acid and found that most of the ascorbic acid in the world is manufactured by two companies, BASF and Roche. They make it from corn sugar. Through a series of chemical reactions, they produce ascorbic acid and then sell it to vitamin companies. The vitamin companies then put ascorbic acid into their supplements and call it “Vitamin C.”

    Since learning the harmful effects of ascorbic acid, the manufacturing process and the difference between “Vitamin C” vs. the natural C complex, I quit taking “Vitamin C” in the ascorbic acid form. Instead, I supplement my diet with products that have all the components of the natural C complex. I no longer recommend “Vitamin C” in the ascorbic acid form to anyone. Come in to the office and I can show you the difference.

    If you have any questions, please call or email me at gbirdsley@msn.com.

    Dr. Galen

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    Last edited: May 18, 2020
  2. JoyDelicacies

    JoyDelicacies DI Member

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    I would agree with you that it makes sense that we get enough sunshine to keep us from needing a Vitamin D supplement here. However, I get a lot of sunshine and am actually well tanned but my blood work always shows low vitamin D for some reason. Therefore, under my doctor's advice, I take Vitamin D daily. I am very healthy and this is the only bad number in my blood screen, the low Vitamin D. The only reason I post is to say that when you get blood work it is possible to show some of your vitamin deficiencies if you have any. I take no other supplements.
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  3. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    It is counterproductive NOW to continue lockdowns in SOME areas. It was not counterproductive when first introduced nationwide.

    Without lockdowns many areas would have lost control.

    In fact, it seems the government did a good job at the start but now some things continue without sense (partly as they are damaging the economy and people's health) - including keeping all those 60+ locked in, ban on alcohol, no lotto.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    Last edited: May 18, 2020