No-one can read what you have written without feeling the most real, true and deepest sympathy for you, your wife and other family members.
We cannot imagine what you have gone through and are still suffering now.
The most important thing in your quest for answers and more, is to take care of yourselves. This is a very stressful time for you and you have to protect your feelings as you proceed.
We can only give you our very best wishes and hope you find some form of satisfaction in your quest but understand why that will never be any real compensation to you.
Best Posts in Thread: vaccinations
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
I strongly recommend returning to your home country, if you can.
The medical facilities here and training are beyond repair, It's just another , Chinese backed, money machine with no interest in human interest. The Hippocratic oath is a joke... ( First do no harm). The medical care here is not as good as the states, the UK or any other industrial country. Likely never be.
Whoever these characters are who are telling you different , well it's likely they had a tooth extraction or similar. They Know nothing !!
Sadly, very sadly my 7 year old son was taken into Silliman hospital last August. He was diagnosed with a chest infection. Their diagnosis was so wrong it is criminal . They, as usual, put him on antibiotics.
Complete idiots, charlatans and fraudsters everyone of them.
I was driving to the airport on my way to Manila, my wife called me and said he'd been RUSHED into ICU..
I went straight to the so called hospital and within an hour watched my beloved son die an awful death.
He had Type One diabetes , no insulin at hand but worst of all and every hospital on the planet does it, No blood/sugar test.
Yes, we are suing. We have a lawyer in Manila because the lawyers in Dumaguete either haven't got the balls or the will be prone to bribery, etc.
We caught the senior paediatric doctor sneaking through the back door, "Oh, what do you two want" ? Her damned arrogance was tangible, I soon knocked that out of her ( not physically). I told her that we are suing every person on duty , including her because she couldn't be found, probably moonlighting.
They disgust me....
Oh yeah, after killing my son I was charged 60,000 pesos. Small potatoes if he'd survived.
I can't wait to get them in court-
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Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
If I had children I would certainly accept them being vaccinated with almost every vaccine currently recommended (after researching them again carefully) but the risks with a new (and hurried) vaccine against Covid-19 are too great for me to accept currently.-
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
For those of us wary about having anything put into our body (e.g. a vaccine) without a high degree of certainty of the downsides (which could take years to show), I feel we may be pressurised by countries issuing some form of Vaccination Certificate (referred to by some as 'passports') and using it like the quarantine passes in allowing entry to shops, restaurants, bars etc only by showing the VC plus ID. Even possibly barring entry to some countries without having a VC - that would include re-entry for Visa runs.
I can see a whole pile of things possibly coming along, including higher taxes, some capital controls, near 100% cashless transactions and perhaps vaccination being necessary, even if not forced in the physical sense.-
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
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danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s website has several pages dedicated to the group’s work in India. The government of India has also dispelled the rumor that the foundation was kicked out. So, was this claim simply made up out of the blue?
The rumor can be traced back to a study by the global health organization PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) to see if it could reduce the number human papillomavirus (HPV) infections by providing cost-effective vaccines to impoverished communities. This trial was conducted in Uganda, Peru, and Vietnam, but it was the group’s efforts in India that caused controversy.
Beginning in 2009, PATH worked with the Indian government’s Council of Medical Research as well as local governments to provide more than 20,000 girls between the ages of 10-14 with HPV vaccines donated by Merck & Co. (Gardasil®) and GlaxoSmithKline (Cervarix®). India’s government halted the effort in April 2010, however, when local news reports claimed seven of the girls involved in the trial had died after receiving their vaccines.
The government of India also opened an investigation into the matter. While the government accused PATH of a few ethical lapses (such as improperly filed consent forms), investigators concluded that the deaths were not related to the vaccines. For instance, one of the deaths related to a girl who drowned in a quarry, and another was linked to a snake bite.
Science Magazine reported:
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
The point about the Covid-19 virus, and most other pathogenic diseases, is that they destroy cells and tissues, and cause an immune response which produces internal inflammation - so if the body is not in good condition it is bound to react badly to these onslaughts. This is like motorbikes tackling rough mountain routes - the weakest will generally fail first (and I am not an expert on motorbikes!).
So if your lungs, for example, are near to the point of expiry due to old age or an illness and a virus starts attacking it, you would expect it to be more likely to fail.
As for the young and healthy dying of Covid-19, there could be an underlying condition not known about (a very famous fit jogger died whilst out jogging and, unfortunately people seemingly in tip-top condition suddenly die - happened to a friend's son age 21) or it could be that their body reacted to the virus in a way that killed them. This must have some links to genetics and it is just bad luck that some have a particular reaction to infectious diseases that other do not.
And the very old who survive (I think one was 102) are just part of the enigma that surrounds infectious diseases and how their hosts respond to them.-
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You could have the exact same rules for dealing with this pandemic in two countries and have completely different rates of infection and mortality due to all these factors. It would be impossible to have one set of rules for the entire world, each country has to take the data available (which was, and to some extent still is, quite limited) and their country's social, economic, environmental and political situation in to consideration to come up with a plan of action which, to make it even more difficult, will be constantly evolving as new and more updated information becomes available.
It is a very difficult thing to manage even for intelligent leadership. The dumpster fire happening at the Whitehouse had absolutely zero chance of getting it right.-
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