We are a couple blocks from CityMall, thus close to you. We stream a fair amount, so sprung for the PLDT fibre into the modem. We get 100 mbps up and down, sometimes better, sometimes 70 or 80. Netflix movies load in 3 seconds, no buffering.. Goes down completely once every couple months, phone call usually gets it reset in an hour or so, phone wait rarely over 5 min. "..Cost effective..." is a subjective cost-benefit analysis depending on your own criteria.
Best Posts in Thread: What are the best internet providers in Dumaguete?
If you require an always available connection then I recommend that you add a pre paid wireless backup to your cable or fiber connection. This would either be Globe or Smart. Both offer a home wireless internet service that is pay as you go. Just make sure you do not by the Smart wireless service along with the PLDT fiber because they both use the same network infrastructure. Smart is owned by PLDT. Nor should you get Globe wireless with Globe cable.
The wireless backup costs very little because it is prepaid and you will not use it often.-
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danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines
I write this on phone data as my Fil Products has been down for most of the day, why ?who knows... but they over sold this area and during the day I rarely get half of what I pay for, which is 2199 15 mb. PLDT fiber is by far the best deal in the city if you can get it.
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If you can, go with PLDT fibr. I have their 25MBit plan (1899/month) which few months ago got upgraded to 30MBit (no price increase). And in general, these numbers are achieved for domestic connections. overseas speeds vary but I often get the full 30MBit on transfers from Europe as well. Happy customer here.
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Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer
Many people rate PLDT Fiber highly, but it isn't available everywhere. Best to see what is available in the area, then you can whittle down your choices. Maybe talk to some neighbors, see what they are using and how they feel about it.
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In my own limited experience:
- Used both here and Cebu City
- Disappointing down/up ratio (50 down, 5 up) up becomes important when sending data, so video calls etc
- Connection always felt less robust: packet loss?
- Rarely experienced downtime
- Fairly prompt service when technicians were needed: max 3 days wait
- Better up/down ratio (50 up, 50 down)
- Solid connection (minimal packet loss?)
- Almost never down
- Service experiences have been mixed*
* I once had a contractor working on lines out in the street deliberately disconnect my service only to have it "fixed" "under the table" for 500 pesos. He was NOT directly affiliated with PLDT. Scammer.
My experience is limited but I use it as a backup connection. Seems to work OK.
Overall, I like PLDT the best.-
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DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
It certainly will not be globe for sure! Pldt fiber is probably the best around as of now.
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I live in Sibulan proper. We had a choice between PLDT fiber and SKY. Do to the length of the contract of PLDT, and no promos at the time, we went with SKY. It is fiber on the street and coax to the house. I took the 25mb speed, and over 6 months have had very little issue. Average speed when checked is between 8-15 continuous which falls within their promised range, it runs the household, multiple devices doing whatever and streaming Netflix with no issue.
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