For the 3rd time in a row Negros Oriental has been given GCQ in spite of the fact that we'd been having a clean record for several months already. Per our daily report, there had been ZERO new cases for the past months! We could not understand why they keep on extending GCQ when we should be moving forward to MGCQ. In the President's recent speech, he had announced the areas that would be downgraded to MGCQ and I swear, Negros Oriental was in the list. It is exasperating to see later on that some people up there have managed to change our classification for some reason.
Is it clinging to power and having control of people? Earlier before the president's announcement, like 3 or 4 days before, our local "leaders" have already preempted our quarantine form after May 31 saying that we would still be extending GCQ. This pronouncement however did not tally with the President's announcement later, that Negros Oriental will now be downgraded to MGCQ. How this decision changed is beyond everyone's understanding when the local govt. made a final announcement that we are still under GCQ, contrary to the President's announcement in his speech. What happened? Did someone from the local government make an appeal to national government that we should still remain under GCQ? It seems like it and it is not funny. It only reflects the kind of leaders we have in this province-----they are a bunch of weaklings who want to hold on to the power straw.
The people of Negros Oriental do not deserve this prolonged isolation. We'd been good, following protocols, etc. I just wish we'll have an election tomorrow so we can change these corrupt weaklings.
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Glendazumba DI Forum Adept
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Wait around a few hours and it could change again!
Passengers are I understand mostly LSI's fully documented with Travel Authority and approved by Dumaguete City and met by LGU officials and transported to 14 day quarantine either the City Gym (free) or LGU arranged Hotel (you pay)
Locally Stranded Individuals (students, tourists, workers) who have expressed their interest to return to their place of residence.
My partner and her 6yo son are in the LSI's arriving Weds 3rd after 10 weeks stranded in Marinduque. Hope it happens-
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
Best wishes.-
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I have been following numbers since March 1st...every day in the PH the numbers have risen not much.. but by 80-90- 100-200 new cases each day ..our lockdown here was a closed island which seemed to work wonders as stated above,,,however virus was ravaging other parts of the islands and Cebu right across from us ..I agree with how they have handled the situation...........this virus has no favorites it can rear its head anytime anywhere ....... 1 person with 10 friends can emit a total of 1 thousand contacts...and within 4 generations 10,000...on and on ...I took the wait and see approach by just watching sitting back and to see what happens after quarantine was relaxed and people start moving around well this happened when a week ago? 2 weeks? and what happened?? the new cases shot up 3 days ago to 500 and then 2 days ago 1000 and now again 500 a huge increase from normal not crazy huge but % % % wise... I rather now...still.. have some (not on every corner)... some type of policing and check points to see where this uptrend leads us under relaxed rules no harm in being smart..I would also like to see our island closed a little longer ...2 weeks I can handle still..
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
Not my country, not my decision, so I am not bothered - but I will be continuing my own protective measures for a very long time to come.-
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