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Best Posts in Thread: Facebook tap to retry
DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
My course was Electrical Systems. The Fortran part was just to teach us to make flowcharts and write supporting programs with all the evil syntax stuff.-
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As an old programmer who read binary, octal, hexadecimal, is there now a job market for me, when I’m not drinking, Beats working in a 7-11 or security guard at Starbucks.
On second thought, I think I will keep drinking.-
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
I don't use it, never have, never will. Same for Instagram (even though millions ask to follow me), Snapchat, Snapgram, Facesnap or anything else they design of a similar type.
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Besides hiding your real geographical location, the other (some might argue, more relevant) use case for using a VPN is to hide your history of visited sites / servers you connected to from your internet provider and whoever is sniffing around in their data centers. Which would be mostly law enforcement / three letter agencies etc. But, in such cases, a VPN is only part of the solution, not a 100% safeguard. If "they" are after you, you need more than just a VPN...
Most definitely you don't want to use a "free" VPN in any case that's more serious than watching Netflix, because in that case, you (or at least your browsing history) are actually the product that's being sold to someone else. But Facebook users are familiar with that deal already I guess.-
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