Talked to them the other day, As of now you have to go to Cebu only for Biometrics but they are in the process of trying to convince Cebu to use the Biometrics on file for your ACR card. She told me that they would contact me when this is accomplished hopefully this year.
Tourist Visa Best Posts in Thread: Any change at BI
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danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines
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danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines
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I asked the question today at the agents about having an interview with an immigration attorney and they told me it was not necessary.-
Informative x 3
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They will also pick up from your house. I am likewise pleased with the service.
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I went there on 6/29, paid them 1000p, she got the extension for me the next day, 6/30, the last grace day, and saved me the 2000p late fees that would have been due this month. If I had waited another month, which I would have, it would have been another 500p penalty. For me that would be 5 months unless I waited longer. BI told me that you cannot catch up your visa at the airport when leaving if you are more than 6 months late.-
Informative x 2
Thanks x 1
I was wondering about that too! x 1
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