Enough of the foreign politics/economic talk.
Best Posts in Thread: Philippine economy contracts
- Agree x 2
Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer
Just read on an ANC posting the President is saying that it will be okay for people to go out to buy food, regardless of any quarantine restriction, as the government is broke and cannot afford to feed the masses.
He is also talking about using the military to enforce quarantine restrictions. I'll let you make your own decision as to what that just might mean.- Agree x 2
well my personal interest in all of this from a completely selfish view is centered in the exchange rate. i no longer have any investments here or there, just a little cash in bank. i came here at 42 to 1, saw it go to about 53 to 1 which was a big boost. now i see long range forecasts in the neighborhood of 46 to 1 tho i cannot see how accurate forecasts can be made with all the turmoil.
i would not argue against the senario you describe tho its hard for me to believe it will be so dramatic a change, but perhaps so. lol, one day at a time, eh- Agree x 2
Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account
It's an interesting thought whether a poor economy here will either benefit or dis-benefit the likes of most of us with our financial resources in other countries. We may benefit with short (or even long)-term currency exchange rates if the Peso suffers worse than other currencies due to recession. We may even see cheaper land/goods/services etc (or the reverse could happen in areas of recession where hyper-inflation kicks in). I only speak from some knowledge of history and personal thoughts, as I'm no financial expert.
I think in the long run, for those of us here for the long haul, a thriving economy is better.- Agree x 2