They stopped asking for passes at the markets too.
This strikes a good balance between the need to implement controls and the freedom of the people.
So far the local community leaders have accomplished training everyone for strict procedures in case there is community spread. Passes, etc. (It took two attempts to get the passes figured out.) In the meantime there is no community spread so the local leadership pulls back on enforcement. The local leadership does not have the authority to change the quarantine level so they just relax enforcement.
This way if covid begins to spread they can deploy the road blocks, enforce the passes and get everyone to follow the procedures more strictly in a very short period of time.
Best Posts in Thread: Social Distancing...
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Following on from Rye's eloquent "I don't care" post, I am getting the distinct feeling that's it's got to the stage now where the vast majority also "don't care". How many deaths have their actually been in Negros Oriental in the last 6 months from covid? I don't follow it closely. Have there been any?
Today was my first day back teaching with full face to face classes. Chatting to people I quickly realised:
Students: They don't care.
Parents of students: They don't care
Teachers: They don't care
Wearing masks where one won't get fined: Nobody cares
Social distancing unless it is monitored: Nobody cares
Curfew: Nobody cares
Checkpoints: Nobody cares
As for me, I really don't care!-
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Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer
People's attitudes change over time, get more relaxed, no corona 19 here, or we don't see or know anyone who is infected. Cancel fiesta in Bacong haha, try to tell people don't make kids anymore, would be the same. I see the kagawad go to the beach and try to enforce the rules, the reaction is people laugh or get angry at him, then yesterday the police show up, no one laugh or get angry. I use my common sense and take it seriously when I'm at public places, but I also get more relaxed, I don't know if we can go swimming or fishing, but I think so because no one stops me and I feel very safe when I'm alone at the sea or together with friends I meet as we did before corona 19 but again, I use mask always bring alcohol when I'm around, sometimes even more than one kind of it
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Scientists can change their opinions when new information is presented and confirmed to be true, sh*tbag politicians cannot change theirs. Truly disgusting human beings politicians are. If anyone is manipulating data there is a 99.999999% chance it is a f'n politician.-
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If someone lives with a high risk person then perhaps they should take extra precautions to protect their loved ones or employer, or not, I don't care, not my problem. If you have elderly parents or grandparents that live alone maybe help them out, or not, I don't care, not my problem. If an elderly person lives alone and has no family to assist them try asking the government, a church or a fraternity group for support, or not, I don't care, not my problem.-
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The more data we gather the less scary this disease least for those of us that aren't in high risk categories. People are reacting accordingly since most of us don't fall into these categories (the elderly and sick). If you are in one of these high risk categories (or unsure if you fall into one of them) then you shouldn't be going out. You shouldn't even know if restaurants are packed or not.
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Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer
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prohibition failed because it was not the will of the people. so it is with the covid-
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