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Best Posts in Thread: Vaccination Centers - Where ?

  1. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    It is amazing how much damage libertarians can cause in a situation like this. Dismissing behaviors that reduce the spread of infection. "Give me liberty so that I can make more people sick." "Give me liberty to pray as I want, etc...."

    Interestingly, India is the largest manufacturer of vaccines in the world. India has a huge proportion of the worldwide pharmaceutical industry. Many of the big pharmaceutical companies either have manufacturing plants there or (more often) buy from manufactures in India.

    The WHO contracted with Indian companies to produce vaccine for other poor countries in the Covax initiative. Now the Indian companies are reneging on those commitments as they divert doses to the local Indian population. This will impact supply here in the Philippines as well.

    Asked about the October timeline, COVAX co-lead GAVI told Reuters at least 140 million doses it had expected from the Serum Institute by the end of May will now remain in India.

    UNICEF, which is helping supply COVID-19 vaccines through COVAX, estimates the supply shortfall at about 190 million by the end of June.

    The move has left countries including Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and many in Africa scrambling for alternate supplies.


    Also interesting is how low the production rates have been for the Russian Sputnik vaccine. It is being financed by the Russian Direct Investment fund so the Russian people have a chance to make a lot of money. Sure for political reasons they will over promise in an effort to get political credit but the production rates are horrible.

    If you remember they got the jump on early approval in Russia. You would think that having more time, they would have ramped up production by now. They just can't seem to be able to put the production in place. They are severely failing to deliver on their commitments. This will impact deliveries here in the Philippines too.
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  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    The idiots had a massive religious ceremony that contributed to the spread of their more contagious variant. The rich in the country are fleeing on private jets to escape the nonsense going on there (and further spreading their variant). Electing and then demanding bs denial policy from those elected. They 100% brought this on themselves. Nobody should be allowed to enter or leave that country.
    Did the WHO give guidance for them to go out in mass to worship their imaginary gods? Has the WHO recommended that Indians figure out how toilets work and that sh*tting and p*ssing on the side of the road is not good for public health? WHO guidance means absolutely nothing in that country. A large portion of their population does not believe in modern science, they should not be given any priority to vaccines IMO.
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  3. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    Ideally, in order to reduce balderdash, information posted on the forum is substantiated with references.

    Please provide a link to substantiate your claim that the UK is "planning to stock vaccine way beyond what is required to do the whole population three times (UK policy - currently)"

    Now that the US is producing more vaccines than it is consuming, they will be giving 80 million doses to poor countries by the end of June.

    the U.S. will share a total of 80 million doses with the world, noting that the number is substantially higher than pledges from Russia or China, which he said have donated 15 million doses.


    The UK has pledged to give away its surplus doses.

    He promised the government would be a "global force for good" in fighting the pandemic and, unlike "some countries", the UK would not use the promise of vaccine supplies to other countries as "short-term diplomatic leverage".

    A government source said more than half of excess doses would go to Covax, a UN initiative intended to ensure wider access to vaccines.

    The UK government has donated £548m to the COVAX scheme, to which the US pledged $4bn (£2.9bn) in December.

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  4. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Even on a level of 'self interest' the whole world has to function as one to stop this virus and so they need to give vaccines to those country who cannot afford it. There is no point killing off the virus in some countries only to allow it to rage through others (some of huge populations), mutating endlessly and spreading the dangerous new variants back to the 'virus free' countries.
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  5. Cerne

    Cerne DI Forum Adept

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    And the majority of manufacture takes place in India. It’s not a handout, it’s economic as well as humanitarian good sense.
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  6. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    No, it wasn't. I don't care what imaginary sky daddy (or daddies) they or anyone else believes in. The anger was in having mass gatherings, without any concern for wearing face masks or social distancing, to worship them despite every health organization saying that was a horrible idea. Now they are paying the price...just as the US, and many other countries, did.

    Yeah, the US has plenty of these morons as well...and the American people did have their ability to travel internationally restricted by many countries. I think more countries should have done this sooner. (And this should should have been done to Chinese travelers much MUCH earlier.) India is just the latest country that's citizens should not be allowed to leave their borders. It is not a double standard at all as I am fully in agreement with this travel restriction policy for ANY other country, including my own.

    If they want vaccines their government should order them. They should already have contracts and agreements in place to have enough vaccines to vaccinate their entire population. Their government is failing them, they are failing themselves by electing the politicians they put in power. Stupidity at the voting booth has consequences (and the US is no stranger to this either).

    You keep using this "but look over there" argument. Yeah, the US screwed up in handling the pandemic (and many other things like human rights, wars, politics, etc, America is horrible, I get it). The US deserves criticism for it, have received plenty and deserve plenty more for bad policy that continues to come out. India deserves just as much, if not more, for their handling of the pandemic. Other countries deserve plenty of criticism as well. Bad behavior, decisions and policy made by one country does not excuse bad behavior, decisions and policy by another.

    Even worse, we are on a spaceship. Definitely want to put your spacesuit on first.

    And who is responsible for requesting and ordering those vaccines? Scientists? No. Politicians are. It would be nice if science could rule the world in these matters but that is not the reality we live in. We live in a world with borders and self-interest. US voters (substitute any country you like here) don't vote for politicians to look out for the best interest of Indian citizens anymore than Indian citizens vote in politicians to look out for the best interests of American voters.
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  7. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Many countries restricted American travelers from entering during the peak of transmissions in the US. Many still do. While this is detrimental to my personal interests I fully understand why these travel restrictions are in place. It's not a double standard. It is common sense to restrict travel to and from a country with a virus that is spreading out of control and that has a government that has proven to be completely incompetent. (Yes, the US government was incompetent in dealing with the pandemic as well.)

    What does Iraq have to do with anything? Are you trying to equate an illegitimate war with this pandemic? How are the two related? Are you saying that since India did not participate in that war that their hands are completely clean and they have never used their military for shady purposes? Come on.
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  8. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Deal with the current problem first, research has so far shown these vaccines are decent at protecting against variants. We can adjust to other variants later. The Covid vaccine will almost certainly turn into a seasonal vaccine situation like the flu vaccine. This virus is going to stick around for a long time. So much money to be made in pharmaceuticals. Probably a very safe investment with these pharmaceutical companies. Doesn't change the fact that focusing on developing (and non-contributing) countries is not worth the time, effort and money. The variants are going to change, third world countries are going to spread them and their governments are going to remain inadequate in doing anything other than enriching the political dynasties already in place.
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  9. Cerne

    Cerne DI Forum Adept

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    Agree, agree, agree...but it stands to reason to do the densely clustered population centres first. Hence Bacolod will be in front of Duma. Goodness knows when they will hit the rural provinces n baraguays unless those in the ‘first’ world stop playing the ‘me, me, me’ game. Some hope.
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  10. Sedona

    Sedona DI Forum Adept

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    What good is a vaccination center with no vaccine? Philippines DOH says that 9.2 million doses were delivered through end of April. They have scheduled another 44 million doses to be received by the end of the year. These are mostly AZ, which require two doses. So that is enough to vaccinate about 25 million. That's the plan? Um, hello ... there's 110 million people here (not counting us expats). So the big plan is to vaccinate less than one-fourth of the country by the end of the year?? No wonder WorldCovidTracker ranks Philippines 156th out of 200 countries on vaccination progress.
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