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Best Posts in Thread: Wow!

  1. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    What you say is not an accurate truth. You could have done a simple Internet search that would have shown that this has been debunked.

    These deaths are simply the circumstance of timing. Remember that old people are offered the vaccines first. Every day old people die from other causes. If you vaccinate millions of old people then some are going to die of other causes shortly after receiving the vaccine. If they had not received the vaccine, they still would have died of these other causes.

    Missing context. There is no evidence that the deaths reported to VAERS after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine are caused by the vaccine.

    These reports do not necessarily imply that the vaccine caused the death and often include entries not yet confirmed or verified by the government agencies.

    This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team.

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  2. eskirvin

    eskirvin DI Forum Adept Blood Donor Veteran Navy

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    I'm part of a small community of US citizens in Kuwait. In this small community, 2 people have died of COVID-19, after receiving approved vaccines. Both were outside of the waiting period for the vaccine to be fully effective. Dozens of others have come down with COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated. The vast majority of my small community are in good health and under 60, so they have little to fear from the virus itself. Yes, we've had otherwise healthy people get COVID-19 and recover only to have negative experiences persist.

    What's all of that mean? People should be given a choice, as most are right now, to take the vaccine or not, and they should have to live or die by that choice. Vaccinated people still carry the disease. Vaccinated people still die by the disease. Why is the world pushing so hard to have people shot up with something that's ineffective?

    Personally, I'm vaccinated. Why? The negatives of not being vaccinated outweigh the negatives of being vaccinated. That was my choice though, since it is my risk. Want a little vision of the future? At the end of 2022, the Philippines will still be fighting COVID-19, still experiencing ineffective lockdowns, and you'll all be here arguing about how the lockdown just isn't long enough or strict enough. Let's see how well this post ages.
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  3. eskirvin

    eskirvin DI Forum Adept Blood Donor Veteran Navy

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    It is interesting that people explain away deaths by vaccine as deaths that would have happened anyway, when they wouldn't accept the same argument about COVID's affect on the elderly. Keeping an ear to the ground, you can see multiple studies popping up that show there are negative effects in some recipients. I've posted a link to one such study below. Kuwait is about to begin vaccinating persons over 12 years of age.

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  4. jim787

    jim787 DI Senior Member

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    The first and biggest vaccine-hesitant is the elected official who dithered for months before signing the Pfizer agreement, putting his country at the end of the list. He was not the only leader to balk at immunizing the manufacturer from legal consequence, and keeping secret how much is paid. But unlike others, he did not appreciate where power lies in today's world.
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  5. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I would never tell someone they should get vaccinated. Like many things, not for everyone. Once I have my second vax, I am not be worried to hang out with non-vaxers (did I just create a new label)?
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  6. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Find this funny as a cell phone zombie about 3 weeks back asked if I wanted to buy a lotto 3 number ticket and of coarse I said no as I do not nor ever have and will never gamble. In fun I said to her my number would be 666 and that week 666 came up as the winning number. Life is soooo fun and Mooorrrrr fun in the Philippines. To stay on topic, take the vaccine and stuff it up the 1%s arse! That way we will assuredly live longer!

    Also I am down to 6 and a half cases of Tanduay anf 4 cases of gin left. Hope this MECQ will end soon as I plan to buy 100 cases of lovely poisons.. CHEERS and goodnight to all
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  7. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    A sceptic is a person who does not know the future - I join you as a sceptic.

    All non-sceptics: PLEASE PM me the results of the forthcoming lottos (please do not post here because I want the jackpot prize only for myself).
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  8. Sedona

    Sedona DI Forum Adept

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    Well, so far there are 5,479 reported vaccine related deaths in the US according to VAERS, and it is pretty much accepted that is a significant under reporting. Now, that is out of 300 million doses, so it is a small percentage, but it is a bit more than "nary any". It is more than for all other vaccines combined over the past 10 years. Under any other circumstance even a much smaller number than that would be enough to justify ordering an immediate halt.
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  9. Ozzyguy

    Ozzyguy DI Forum Adept

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    I don't know.

    I have had the A/Z jab not a skeptic, but we don't know if any long term issues and this bothers people.
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  10. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    This is just Duterte's way of communicating and getting free press for the narrative that he wants to push. He simply wants people to consider the importance of getting vaccinated.

    Obviously, considering the re-posts here on DI, Duterte's way of communicating works very well.

    In a couple of months, when this shock has worn out, he will say that he will "kill" anyone who refuses the vaccine.
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    Last edited: Jun 23, 2021