Back in Ontario Canada when I was 14 years old 1976 I earned $10 per hour picking Mushrooms. Before that at age 13, 1975 I earned $11 dollars per hour picking Tobacco. At the age of 15 1976 I cut chords of wood for $20 a Chord x 8 Chords a day, $3,200 per Month. At 16 I was a Chicken Catcher and an Apple Picker on Weekends and earned $4,100 per Month. By 17 I owned my own Furniture, Stereo, Racing Snow Mobile, 1962 Chevy 11, and had over 10,000 bucks in savings. A life in a Capitalist Society has nothing to do with what you can be given doing less. All Persons are free to seek out their own pathways and not bow and beacon call to the path the Herd follows. My Father would say.... "When you come to a fork in the road and most take one path and the others take the other, just make sure you have a Chainsaw to cut your own" Have always lived by that. This is Life. When one thinks they "cannot" they are incorrect. We on Earth are all faced with the ability of understanding our independence. understanding that we are Animals and have equal Natures! If an individual fails at the basics of understanding their true Nature, they alone are responsible for failure and strife.