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Best Posts in Thread: Dog Friendly Bars

  1. God Bless Texas

    God Bless Texas DI Member

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    Roanoke TX
    +295 / 17
    Most bars (or any food establishment) already have friendly dogs just waiting for someone to drop their fried chicken.
    I doubt anyone would care if you sat outside with your dog, the concerns would be in what your dog "picks up" while there. I'm not talking about scraps either.
    Lots of dog flu, dog covid (yes, it is a thing) overall dog viruses, fleas, and ticks from all the strays. Also concider any puddle of water contaminated with stuff you dont want them drinking.
    I have finished putting my puppies thru a 20 day antibiotic regime and we dont even live in the city. Also, my dogs are NOT friendly to strangers, we walk in quiet and "off"hours. Yet they still got sick, vet said it is because of stuff that lingers in the air, on the ground and overall environment.
    This is just a heads up.
    If you still go out then, at the very least, make sure puppy is fully vaccinated, and boosted.
    We people can skip vaccination and get sick if we want (free will), but our puppies deserve beter care than we give ourselves.
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