Some of us have been here well over 10 years. As was stated earlier we have heard the complaints many times and some us also b*tched and moaned about the Philippines' shortcomings early on. However, over time we have focused on the many positives of living here. After all, we are guests in their country and thankful for being able to live here and raise families.
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Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force
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OH BOY, What opinions we have here Most of us here are Married to a Filipino. Do any of you call YOUR Spouse Stupid and or any other of the remarks made here to their face? I Doubt it very much
I wonder how many of us would truly survive long without them by our side, They know things and can do things we can't
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By the way, I don´t consider myself as stupid. But my wife is running the show here. She knows when to talk to whom in which tone and she is solving 99% of our issues in daily life. Our quality of life here in the Philippines is based on a certain financial power, but much more on her problem solving skills. That´s just fact. I can do a lot, but she can it do more easy, much better, much faster and she knows much better how to talk to people in case of conflicts.
And also by the way, being stupid is one thing. I can deal with that. But being lazy, arrogant, rude and / or being a cheater is something I can hardly handle.-
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I would not call the Philippines the land of the stupid, sounds insulting. Granted the IQ in the
Philippines is in the 80's; however, that number represents half the people with an IQ that is lower than that and half the people with an IQ higher than that (the mean not the average). I would guess that those with the higher IQ would be close to the average of most western countries. Keeping in mind countries like Korea, Japan, Singapore and some other Asian countries have IQ's higher than western countries, it comes down to quality education and countries that can afford to pay for that. Philippines is obviously a very poor country and has not been able to put the necessary focus on education. Public education is poor at best but some private schools and universities provide an adequate education, for the few who can afford to attend. Slowly, improvements are being made. For example, 12 years of high school rather than 10, and computers in some schools. Hope is those here with the higher IQ's will assist in improving the economics and education in the Philippines so over time education will be much better than today.-
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Last edited: Dec 18, 2023 -
john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster
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Well guys I've learnt by being married to a filipna when you upset them, expect the silent treatment.
With regards to nutrition, I have seen children born in the UK to Filipino parents excell at school and college.
Also noticeable is that many outgrow their parents in height, some of the boys reaching 6'ft or over.
Without a doubt what you eat does make a difference, as a end of WW11 baby, with lack of available nourishment would explain why I'm only 5'2" and not so smart!
( oh and by the way I can only speak one language)
Laugh and the world laugh's with you.....JB-
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Last edited: Dec 18, 2023 -
DI, Used to be very interesting to me at one time, especially when I joined in 2017, many of the members of that time are still here, but now it is a whole lot different, most of the members from that time have become Boring Auld Bar Stewards with very little to say?
Also there is not all that many new members, I do know for a fact that there is members that only view the site and make no contribution to it, never to post, this I do not understand? mind you maybe it is better they keep their mooths shut and naebody wid ken thur jist stupid?
I do know and have met quite a few of our members personally and mostly they all complain that there is not much going on here and they are starting to lose interest in the site. This is all so daft to me as it is so easy to start a thread here or as I did the other day to post to an existing old thread from 6yrs ago. I see no reason not to resurrect some of these old but quite interesting threads and bring them up to date?-
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Nevertheless I could imagine it would be interesting to have kind of communication with younger people with different backgrounds and different point of views. You can learn from everybody and by the way, what can we loose ?
One reason participation in this forum is not extremely high might be that for most of us everything is said already. I am since 15 years in the Philippines. During this time I did read, in different forums, probably 2.500 threads about building a house, setting up electricity systems and another 5.500 threads with the subject where to find the cheapest beer or best burger. It is not really thrilling anymore, only talking for myself. Despite the fact that I am still learning from this kind of threads.
I assume younger people providing us with their point of views, experiences and their daily needs could be a win win situation. It would certainly enrich the forum and certianly all of us could learn. Don´t forget they have to manage a daily life as we do and it would be interesting to find out how they are doing that.-
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Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army
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Also agree with Dave, but Forums and the next generation are at odds with each other, As for the loyalist old timers, none of us getting any younger. Still there is a vast amount of information on the Forum and most the Foreigners I meet in Dumaguete have never heard of the Forum. It really could use some sharing and exposure, but for so many Peoples they care about only their own content. Cheers to all!-
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Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army
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Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy
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