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Best Posts in Thread: Common sense (or the lack of)

  1. Senjenbing

    Senjenbing DI Forum Adept Veteran Marines Navy

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    Best Answer
    It's my experience that every decision made at school, by the school or their heirarchy, is foremost to the benefit to the employees (teachers etc.) and the kids are just a secondary effect of those decisions. Forethought and common sense play no part in any of the decision making processes.
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  2. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I recall someone I know, attending a State High school here, being sent a text by a 'teacher' at about 9 pm on a Sunday with a list of materials to bring in to school the next morning - i.e. after all stores have closed and maybe many families already being asleep. Parents here are scared to question teachers but I sent a message asking why this requirement was not requested on the Friday and received no acceptable reply, except that the teacher was a newbie! So what do they do during teacher 'training' (assuming there are no common-sense genes here)?

    I have also heard that some teachers (and I do not wish to paint all teachers in the same colour as there are some very good ones - albeit, very few) do personal shopping during the school day and the kids remain alone in the classroom.

    There has been much discussion from the rulers (unintended pun) about how to drag the country up from near the bottom of the World's leagues in education (in fact, educational standards here have deteriorated over recent decades) and the first thing to sort out is educating the educators or else the cycle of the uneducated teaching the wanting-to-be-educated will continue. One way to do this is to import talent (IF it wants to come!) into teacher training colleges to give them a boost BUT in a country that thinks it tops the world, it is a big issue to ask the outside world to help.
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