Not sure what is meant by “wet and dry”; Generally it is slightly warmer than average summer temps in the higher latitudes and it is always warm. It read up on the matter and the idea is that humidity apparently reduces droplet transmission and it also makes surfaces more difficult for the virus to be stable. I think it is true and they are not saying transmission is impossible, just that it is significantly reduced, as it usually is when summer arrives in northern climes. In the Philippines, I believe the few cases that I know of were brought in directly from travelers from Wuhan who both became sick and one died. However, they flew in from Cebu on CP, stayed at the Manhattan Suites in Dumaguete and also at some unnamed resort in Dauin, then to Manila. Most of the people whom they contacted were investigated and 14 days later none showed signs of infection. This would seem to agree with the tropical climate theory of reduced transmissions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don’t understand your confusion of “wet and dry.” There are only two seasons here in the Philippines and it’s wet and dry. There are a lot of things we don’t know about Covid-19, we are all speculating at this point. Do I think there is a correlation between the climate and the number of infections? Maybe. But it doesn’t answer my questions about why Singapore are registering a lot of infections if climate was a big deterrent. Our climates are similar. And if it’s really about how densely populated a country is, then Manila should have copped it big time. Like I said, a lot of speculations at this point. I reckon Singapore registered a bigger official number of infections mainly because their health care systems are vastly superior to the Philippines and they are catching it, and reporting it down to the last person. Here, I don’t even know if they are testing the people right. If they don’t brother to test anyone properly, how do they record anything? I have seen the way they test people here, and it’s quite laughable. If the infection doesn’t spread to the Philippines, it is not because of the government’s efforts at containment. It’s because of sheer Philippine luck.
I've only encountered the Chinese through Fil Products so I cannot confirm. I also believe that once you are infected and then recover from a virus your immune system can then deal with future infections of the same/genetically similar stain rather easily, leaving you immune until it mutates enough to bypass your immune system's defenses. I believe it will be a while before I can get infected to see if other media forums can transmit the virus.
Transmission by internet has occurred. Many PC’s are affected by virii originating in or passing through China but none have been transmitted to humans as far as I know. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry, I was focusing on “wet” in terms of him ITU only. It is always hot and humid here in either season. Singapore also considers the effects of temperature. Taken from an article on the Dingapore response in Thus Week in Asia: “Another key trait Phua highlighted was how coronaviruses are manufactured mostly in temperate countries, which means a temperature cooler than room temperature is needed to “maintain” the live virus. “Once you reverse that concept, then you know how to destroy the live virus,” he said. Phua cited how one of the measures Singapore adopted after learning the properties of coronaviruses was to stop air conditioners in the Tan Tock Seng Hospital, and install a suction system to suck the virus into a hot and humid environment. “We also had outdoor waiting areas. Instead of having [potential patients] sit in enclosed air-conditioned rooms and pass germs, we took them outside,” Phua said.” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
According to the South China Morning Post, a dog is tested positive to coronavirus. According to WHO there is no proof that pets should be susceptible to viruses even if they see Chinese tv channels. John Hopkins institution have close to real-time info about infected in different countries , I tried to copy the link it doesn't work
When I lived in Hong Kong, certain small restaurants offered dog ( no menu). No. I didn’t and would never try. Maybe a headz up!
I never click on simple URL references when the author cannot spend a just few moments to first tell the reader what it is about. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk