Dumaguete Info Search

Valencia Best Posts in Thread: A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE

  1. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    I have lived in a few places in the Philippines and visited many others, for a couple of years I lived in Mactan Cebu, but we decided to move from there 6 years ago, the reasons being congested traffic giving rise to lots of pollution, there was lots of standing water all around and in many places it would lie so long it would turn green and smelly, this was a higher risk area for Dengue.

    Having returned from Scotland to visit my family in Valencia I was to spend a couple of days in Mactan to visit old friends and talk about all the Auld Bar Stewards that had died. My Wee Boy and his Mum come over to meet me at the airport, they had driven over the day before, the first thing my Son said when they arrived was why does it smell funny here, I was to notice this myself there is always a faint whiff of sewage there. An added problem to me there was the price of a Beer in the Bars being P85 and even 90 in some.

    So I am now back in Valencia which I think is as good as any other place I have visited in PH and better than any other place I have lived in, apart from the odd killing now and again? generally it has quite a low crime rate and for a Drunken master like myself I can get a Beer at the Red Table for p50, what more could a man want? I must admit the RT is a shitty little place but in an ideal location looking over the Public Park, in the evenings there is lots of young girls roaming around, on weekdays late afternoons is also a good time when all the young Mums pick up their children from the local School there, after a few Beers they all look pretty good to me.

    There is so much going on in this Park, there they have a couple of Tennis courts (my Son and his Mum are there playing most nights) there is also a children's playground and a basketball court, at the other end of the park there is quite a number of BBQ stalls this is very cheap eating out for the locals and well supported by them, at this time of year we have the Christmas tree and usually this is quite spectacular being very good this year.

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  2. Stefan_Negros

    Stefan_Negros DI Forum Adept

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    You can apply online or you go to BI. Both works out.

    I must say services of BI office in Dumaguete really improved. I used it twice during the last few months and it was really ok. No issues at all.

    There is an officer outside BI office who helps you filling out the necessary form and conducts a pre check. Then you enter the office, hand over your documents to one of the ladies, pay the bill and it is done. Whole thing takes maybe 20 or 30 minutes.

    If you show up early in the morning you can collect your visa same day in the afternoon. If you show up later it will be ready next day.

    In previous years I was always using the services of the agency next door to BI. They did great but nowadays there is no more reason to for that.

    I am the first who complains about poor govern services. But I exclude BI from that meanwhile. From my point of view they are doing a fine job.
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  3. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    +2,037 / 1,093
    I love Tanjay City myself. Have lived 5 years 2 months here, no major issues! Always something going on and a small enough City where the Majority of Folks know one another.
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  4. RR_biker

    RR_biker DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    Lived on Panay island near Iloilo in a subdivision. City much bigger than Dumaguete and as a result more facilities like shopping malls, hospitals and restaurants. Though already some years ago, the city water supply was a disaster after a typhoon. Traffic in general more pleasant than in Dumaguete city with exception for some streets during rush hours. Reason I did not stay, my partner could not get used to the language barrier between Visaya and Illongo plus far far away from her family living on Mindano which took 2 days by car to get there.
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  5. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    Tanjay is a really nice place also, but Valencia beats it hands down for access to all sorts of services available in nearby Dumaguete which includes a BI and especially for a Foreigner here on a Tourists Visa, now I believe they are only available for two months and not six as before?

    Valencia retains a quiet rural charm has fairly clean mountain air and such easy quick access to the City, Ferry Ports, Airport and many Hospitals.
    For me it was pretty much a no brainer to choose this place in which to build a house for the Family.
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  6. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I look at safety (as far as is possible in a country wracked by natural disasters) - looking at safety is one of my hobbies! I would rule out Davao because of the frequency of earthquakes (unless you enjoy the experience); much of the east (Surigao, Samar/Leyte, Bicol, Cagayan and up to North Luzon) due to typhoons and heavy rains; Palawan as it is a bit remote and so, looking at places with some decent shops and a few things of interest, Dumaguete and environs look pretty good. I think also maybe Panay but I am not at all familiar with places such as Mindoro, Masbate but does anything ever happen there???
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  7. NowandThen

    NowandThen DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    Davao has a lot to offer and it is a big city. Also in the hinterland or on Samal Island. However, there are surprisingly few hang outs for expats in comparison. Well, this doesn't necessarily have to be a must if you want to live there with your family. What matters a lot is the traffic. Like everywhere in the Philippines. 30 years ago you could cross the entire city in 20 minutes. Today, depending on the traffic situation, this can take over 2 hours.

    Gesendet von meinem M2101K6G mit Tapatalk
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  8. Senjenbing

    Senjenbing DI Forum Adept Veteran Marines Navy

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    +480 / 202
    Six month visas are now done online - no need to visit BI
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  9. Stefan_Negros

    Stefan_Negros DI Forum Adept

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    +454 / 12
    I fully agree.

    To be precisely it wouldnt be my first choice to live in Davao City. but if you find a nice place at the outskirts, or not too far away from shopping malls and hospitals and other facilites Davao has to offer I could imagine you you could have a pretty nice life. For me it is a spot where you can enjoy a quiet life countryside and benefitting of the advantages of a capital like shopping malls with good choices, hospital, good internet covergae and so on.

    I visited Davao several times and was just impressed hence it is much better organized than other big cities in the Philippines like Cebu and Manila. The traffic is enormous but easier to handle. Drivers are more disciplined. Taxi drivers are not cheating. I had the feeling people are more educated and open minded. (Only my personal impression).

    But of course I have to agree with @Notmyrealname who is stating that there are much more natural desasters in Davao compared to Dumaguete. That is a valid point. It´s fact.

    But as stated before I am happy in Sibulan and have no intention to move. 15 minutes toairport, boulevard, north point, down town and Valencia.
    Life is good.
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  10. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I might be an indication of a place here if it has a Vikings - Bacolod has and so does Iloilo, but not Dumaguete.
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