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About those towns??

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by garbonzo, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. garbonzo

    garbonzo DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    Saw this topic come up on another, far less frequented, forum - without any responses. What are the pluses and minuses of the various towns around the Dumaguete area? Things like roads, local stores, electrical and water reliability, crime (if any), driving time to downtown Dumaguete, beaches, reef and water conditions, etc....Probably help a few visitors to this site narrow down there preferences for moving time.:smile:

  2. Marky

    Marky DI Member

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    Valencia- cool, clean, scenic, safe, electrical rebate, clean city water, close to everything and land is still available at bargain prices.
    :D :D :D :D
    Its in the mountains and the tropics at altitude is the planet at its most beautiful (IMHO).
  3. ViperACR

    ViperACR DI Member

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    If you live out of DGte, you'll invariably spend a lot of time coming back into Dgte just for something to do. Unless maybe you have a family that keeps you busy and happy.

    There are no stores larger than sari-sari stores once you're out of Dgte. UNless you're in Bacolod or San Carlos. But as far as towns close to Dgte, there ain't nothin.

    Plus, living in the provinces can be challenging. The people there often do see things the way 'city folk' do, and there isn't anything you can say or do to change their minds if it comes to a squabble over something going on about your property or whatever.

    I've been Valenica many times, at first it looked quaint. But I could see it'd get boring there quickly. Some of the local guys hanging around the Valencia market looked like drug addicts or something.. Not the happy looking sort of fellows you'd meet in Dgte.

    Important The further you are out of Dgte, the further you are from qualified medical care! Traffic and distance could slow and emergency trip to Silliman Hosp for example

    The province hospitals are notoriously poorly staffed, and with PI doctors becoming nurses then heading for the US, there are less and less doctors at ALL in the provinces.
  4. kuting

    kuting DI Junior Member

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    Are you kidding me? Don’t you realize that the only way you can improve yourself is to leave the country?

    We all know that since we were born, Our parents would pay for our education, tell us to " leave the country and send us money:=)"

    Aliens (mostly old retired Europeans or what not) are settling in the island coz they love the attention the women (young and old) they are getting.
  5. wretched_hyena

    wretched_hyena DI Member

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    Okay, you guys. This is the website of gentle people. Let's not be the ugly American. Marky, why did you have to jump on him like that? He didn't say anything offensive. Don't they know how to disagree repectfully where you come from? Let's all be friends. Maybe we can learn something from each other. Peace, huh? Jeez!
  6. ana conda

    ana conda DI New Member

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    I am sorry to post this comment but this is only for ViperACR:

    I am not really please with how you describe your views about Valencia ,specifically about expats living and hanging around there.We have close friends living in Valencia,and I don't feel your comments are healthy .Infact it is kind of offensive. I felt very saddened ,you comment was spared which is rather judgemental and only TO HURT AND INSULT to people concerned. :(
  7. cheskaraul

    cheskaraul DI Member

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    getting out of hand you guys. Peace guys. Remember, it's called the City of Gentle People.
  8. wretched_hyena

    wretched_hyena DI Member

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    Thank you, Cheskaraul. I don't believe anyone means to hurt or insult anyone else here.
  9. ViperACR

    ViperACR DI Member

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    So you're in London..and have friends living in Valencia. Doesn't sound like you've ever been there. If not, you really don't have a valid opinion.

    To, for example, outright deny there's drugs in Dgte or Valencia is to do a disservice to those thinking about moving there. It's too hard to sell a home in PI. It's important to have pro and con points to consider before you buy and build in any area far from things one might find important later.

    You'll have to point out where I said something so horribly negative, or anything at all about expats living and hanging around in Valencia, because I can't recall it.

    I know expats living there, and have been to Valencia and the flower market on the way there many times, (probably more than you) so I do have reference to the place.

    I don't see anything to be hurt or saddened about either.

    Small towns look quaint, but for many foreigners they become too small quickly. It's a cute town, but everything to DO is in Dgte, face it.

    Otherwise, I was just giving an opinion about the guys GLARING at me as I drove by the market. No one ever glared at me like that in 2yrs while driving around in Dgte or anywhere else on the entire island.

    That statement is a fact with no 'intention', just an opinion based on driving thru there more than once.

    If they're good guys, then fine. Anyone happily living in Valencia is encouraged to stay there.

    No need to take it personally. Small towns in any country have their challenges. Valencia is no different.

    - I made the mistake of mentioning to some Filipinos on the blvd once that traffic in Dgte was outgrowing its' provincial rules and needed to be better managed..WHOA they took that as insult too. Saying something about how us foreigners think we know everything etc etc

    Nevermind that traffic is getting worse and worse in Dgte proper I guess...
  10. PhilT

    PhilT DI Member

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    Ha! to say that living out of a city in a small place, and there is nothing to do or longer to get to a hospital, or get bored...well you could say that about any small village /town in any part of the world! to live in a small village has advantages also, cleaner air, quiet, slower pace, good chance you can rely on a neighbour, have a regular rapport with locals. whatever you want it to be.

    okay downsides, you cannot just nip out and pick up some groceries, so you need to be more organised in that. Nothing to do? well thats why I always say if you are living there (foreigner) you need to get out of bed everyday to go somewhere, even if its not for money, how about having a voluntary role for a good cause. something that will benefit the local community.

    As for getting bored, well MAKE your own entertainment, like the art of conversation. When I lived in the phils some years ago I used to take a short cut to Dgte, I met a guy who used to work the fields everyday, he was training to be a lawyer, we used to chat about world politics in english, or some such subject. I miss that guy! you do not need to be in an urban setting to meet interesting people, in fact the worst place is dgte boulevard! whos there? drinkers. I used to have chats with a woman who was a prostitute, she was very intelligent, and good company, NO SEX! just chatting. anyone got a problem with that? she was trying to make money to get to Canada, I do not know if she did. I used have a quiet beer and she always asked me if I was married what was i doing there, I told her I am having a beer if it was okay with her, she laughed and ever since it was like that, I made a FRIEND...remember them? LOL!