Give them a simple job and they will f*ck it up.
Sorry sir out of stock.
There IS a world outside this country?
Give us a loan and I will pay you back next week.
Filipino food is the best in the world.
Go to school here and come out more dim.
Who is this cynical b*stard? (me).
Best Posts in Thread: Acronyms
Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
Even in the US some historical facts are left out in their Teachings with most of the population there not knowing that the original white settlers there were Ex-cons deported from England (this helps us to understand why American people even today are not so well adjusted with many having to undergo therapy at some stage in their lives?) it was only after the War of independence that the English had to use Australia for that purpose.
The outcome of that particular War may not have been favourable to the new America had it not been one man, John Paul Jones, known as the Father of the American Navy, he was never given this recognition in his lifetime and ended his life as a pauper somewhere in Europe I believe? JPJ was an honest Scotsman and never a convict, only he had to flee his country having been caught Sh@gging an Admirals Wife. Then there was another Scotsman who assisted in shaping the US, the founder of the American Steel Industry Andrew Carnegie and let us not forget John Muir known as the Father of the American national Parks.
Most people from US if asked if they could name anyone from Scotland that had a major influence in American History are unlikely to know any of the aforementioned three were Scottish and some would not even know who they were even when their names are mentioned?-
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