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Best Posts in Thread: Alcohol

  1. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Hey Dude, That was quite an admission you made about drinking. I have always enjoyed your post and consider you one of the guys that has some clear judgement and thinking here.. still do. I was involved in addiction counseling for over 13 years in the US on a voluntary basis. It was a faith based program, so although I believe in it, I would never push it on anyone. One of the secrets regarding any addition is that the real issue is CONTROL, not alchol or some other form of self-medication. People drink, have high risk sex, spend extra money, and do other crazy things because they are trying to gain control over their life. Start at that point of understanding and you can save yourself years of search for answers on your journey to get where you want to be. Admitting you have a drinking issue does not necessary mean you have to stop drinking. Just control your drinking and not let drinking control you (unles you have a chemical addition). If you ever need one to talk to someone I am willing to talk. I am not a hardliner, and do not think the taking a drink will mean you use your “Sobriety” as some do. Go ahead and attend AA, but do not stop thinking, or buy all their beliefs. You are a smart man who can make up his mine. Like all of us, you have some character defeats, but that does not mean you are weak. Life is a journey and everyday is a step on the path of that journey…. Somedays we are not on the path, sometimes we chose to be lost for a while. You history of facing reality seems to indicate you are honest with yourself and will be able to solve you issues. Do not allow guilt or embarrassment to alter you course to get where you want to go. Good Luck.
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  2. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Just dropped by Guy's
    Dude, PatO and all you fella's, are wished the best of health, kind regards JB
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  3. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Thanks. Now that half of Dumaguete knows I have a drinking problem I guess I just killed my chances of anyone buying me a beer.

    I suppose they are going to expect that I will quit drinking, which really is a drinking problem.

    I'll head over there on the 26th because I expect tomorrow will be a full day of drinking. Maybe after my hangover wears off.

    I see one of the meeting spots is Blue Monkey. That's convenient since I know they have cold beer. Hi, my name is Dude, I have a drinking problem. My bill shows that I have 12 beers but
    I don't remember anything past 10.

    Right. Good luck to me.
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  4. Cletus

    Cletus DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    Hey Dude,
    My sobriety date is July 25, 1981. I recall my first time to AA, just listening to what they had to say. I too was not inclined to their "religious teachings", as I saw them, but I just wanted a way out of the drunken despair and all the other stuff that goes along with it. It was tough at first but as they said, "try us for 90 days and if you don't like it we will refund your misery." The religious stuff was not nearly as bad as I thought, in fact it was good and my life started to turn around after a couple months. My life has continued to get better even after 35 years sobriety. Yes there have been times that things weren't so good but mostly they have been good. Today I had rather die than go back to the life before AA.
    You are a good man, when I get back to PI early next year I will look you up and buy the first round of coffee.
    Although I was not ashamed of getting drunk I too was ashamed of getting sober....go figure.
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  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :wink: Hi Dude, I have heard many times from different sources that the the First step to Recovery is "Admission" Well done mate and I wish you all the very Best :thumbsup:
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  6. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Hey guys. Dude here. Sorry I haven't been around in a while. I have basically been drunk since the last time I posted.

    I'm doing the lazy web thing and asking when the next AA meeting is and where. Even though I don't really believe in their methodology, I thin I need the social support.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
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