Dumaguete Info Search

Alcoholics Anonymous in Dumaguete

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Marky, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. pickled_newt

    pickled_newt DI Forum Patron

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    Sadly, this is how i look now , jimeve.
    Any contribution for a cosmetic facelift surely will not be refused :D

    Com'on people ,I thought this is a serious thread about Alcoholic Anonymous .However, few of you esp Marky who started this thread I am surprised initiated his own drift to a different odd subtopic ...now pecking on how ugly,malicious,scary I look. Geee this isn't my problem , but your problem allowing yourself getting annoyed of my peculiar choice , it's relatively your different perception to mine . I don't care of this d*mn world how I look even through this avatar or of how people conceived of me,this is only but very superficial .There's more serious and interesting topic to talk about than to single out my avatar.I guess if i put t*ts and asses or a naked J Lo look-alike no one complains huh :p::rolleyes:

    Listen guys let's not waste time yaking about this avatar .I'll change it when I have another nice and less scary picture of me .For now you have to put up with this for a little while :D
  2. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    It looks like Dot out of Eastenders :D
  3. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    I recognized it immediately. It is the character Jerri Blank played by Amy Sedaris for the comedy series "Strangers with Candy".
  4. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    On a more serious note as I would like to respect Marky for bringing up the subject. I've employed people that are alcoholic. It can be quite amazing to witness. One day they are intelligent, hard working and responsible adults, the next thing you know they are in the hospital after being on a 3 day binge and suffering from alcohol poisoning. It's not possible for these individuals to drink moderately. For them it's either nothing or drinking until they pass out. They need to have some reason to abstain. If that's AA, so be it.
    Whatever works for them has my blessing.
  5. caymimi

    caymimi DI Member

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    Pickled_newt has already posted a picture of herself with some friends. I think she looks very pretty and very far from that avatar!! :smile:

    I think it's great that Dumaguete and Valencia hold AA meetings. Alcohol is widely abused in all countries that have rowdy college students, but I only really experienced extreme alcohol abuse in Dumaguete, being that there is no age limit when purchasing alcohol anywhere in the Philippines. Not like in the US where if you're below 21 you have to find someone to buy the drinks for you!! It's sad that many people become addicted and never grow out of the college phase; that goes for drugs and alcohol. But with such easy access to both, it can not be avoided that some people will become addicted at one time or another, no matter how anyone preaches. All we can do is be supportive of those who are helping others with addiction, and help whenever we can (and pray too). When preaching falls on deaf ears, all we can do is pray for them, because no matter what our religion is we all know that there's a Higher Being that's up there listening to us.

    I myself don't completely abstain from alcohol. I don't know whether it is a venial sin or mortal sin to be intoxicated, but I believe that having too much of ANYTHING is not good for you. Even eating too much fruit (rich in vitamins) is not good for you. I also believe in the scientific discovery that red wine (in moderation) is good for the heart and can lead to long life. Rather than fight those who drink red wine for that reason, I would like to be happy for them that they're not binge-drinkers. It's better to save our energy to help those who are fighting a real battle of addiction.
  6. pearl

    pearl One Hit Wonder?

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    Alcohol Abuse Information

    One of the major problems of our country is facing ever since is alcohol abuse. Many people are becoming an addict to this. Many of us don't know what alcohol abuse really is. Alcohol abuse is a psychiatric diagnosis describing the use of alcoholic beverages despite negative consequences. It is sometimes referred to by the less specific term alcoholism. If you want to know more information on alcohol abuse, try visit this site.

    Alcohol abuse affects millions. This site has a lot of useful information. Alcohol Abuse
  7. paalao

    paalao DI Junior Member

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    Which is GOOD and it should stay that way :smile:
    I do however not have a drinking problem, (hehe say them all you may think) But I have not had a drink since october 07!! Not becouse I am trying to stop, I just dont feel like it.

    Religion should be for the religious and their believs, NOT in politics or any other from of influence/treatment to the general population.:smile:
  8. dbdgte

    dbdgte One Hit Wonder?

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    AA now has a dedicated 24 hour a day, 7 day a week phone for those in need of assistance with alcohol or substance abuse problems.
    An understanding and helpful individual will answer and all will be confidential and anonymous.
  9. KTM

    KTM DI Senior Member

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    Why be anonymous and alone, when you can blend in rather well with the rest of the p*ssheads along the boulevard? :D
  10. bikerdave

    bikerdave DI Senior Member

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    The worst form of alcohol abuse is spilling your beer