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Alcoholics Anonymous in Dumaguete

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Marky, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. Happy She & Me

    Happy She & Me DI Member

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    I have used alcohol most of my life, 50 years. Couple of drinks in the evening and a glas of wine with dinner. Maybe I am different because I have never had a hangover or felt like I needed a drink in the morning or during the day. Getting closer to 70 and still having my evening drinks and wine with dinner. I had friends drinking just to get drunk, must get intoxicated and even worse. That is the part I never understood, and I never will.

    I found a website talking about alcoholism and here it is......

    Alcoholism: Physical dependence on alcohol to the extent that stopping alcohol use will bring on withdrawal symptoms. In popular and therapeutic parlance, the term may also be used to refer to ingrained drinking habits that cause health or social problems. Treatment requires first ending the physical dependence, then making lifestyle changes that help the individual avoid relapse. In some cases, medication or hospitalization are needed. Alcohol dependence can have many serious effects on the brain, liver, and other organs of the body.

    I think my question is why doesn't all who drink alcohol become an alcoholic??????
    My father always told me that it is something that we are born with (chemistry problem)
    and that is why some can drink a couple of drinks and stop. Others who drink alcohol must continue drinking when they start feeling intoxicated, more more and more.

    I enjoy the taste of a good drink or a Cognac.... and that is why I have a couple daily.
    I just got my Clean Bill of Health from Silliman Medical Center. All checked including colonoscopy.
    On the funny side the 3 doctors involved told me to continue my lifestyle, but if possible quit the few cigs I smoke.

    Happy days with smile and laughter....



  2. Manzanita

    Manzanita DI Forum Patron

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    Alcoholism is a 2 part disease. It consists of a mental obsession to drink, and a physical craving to drink more once the first drink goes down.
    Without one of these parts, the drinking addiction subsides.
    AA concentrates on removing the mental obsession, with that gone the physical craving never gets a chance to get started.
    Because once that alcoholic gets the first drink, all bets are off.

    And AA does work quite well on that mental obsession part. No doubt bout that.
  3. JoeMabini

    JoeMabini DI Member

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    I always was a social drinker. Never did like to drink alone. I did like to go to bars! The problem is that I would get too social and if in a 24 hour town I would not quit drinking till the money ran out.

    I have had many periods in life when I drank in excess on a regular basis. These periods were always interspersed with periods of sobriety. My usage depended on my environment, friends, and responsibilities. Thankfully I can take or leave alcohol to this day.

    I have a bar here at the house, but I think the last time we served any alcohol it was Christmas. My Suki trike driver and I polished off a bottle of Tanduay White in no time. sine then coffee is the drink of choice, but my birthday is coming up so it might be time to get so more rhum for the event!

    For those that cannot control their usage, AA can be an excellent resource, but it is not for everyone.
  4. gordm

    gordm DI New Member

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    thanks marky .

    just moved here from Canada and was hoping I would find a meeting close by . I will see you guys on wednesday for sure but if there are any members available for a chat before then , it would be appreciated . I can be reached at mckissock2@gmil.com or 09154881914

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  5. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Have I missed something here?
    You are replying to "Marky"Yet the last previous post was 02/16/2011!
    However I was pleased to read Earlmj posts as he suddenly disappeared from the forum a long while back!
    Good luck with your meeting......JB
  6. gordm

    gordm DI New Member

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    Thanks JB .
