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Best Posts in Thread: American Suicide?

  1. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    Very true for some who cannot see a way out. I spent decades in an unhappy relationship, my saving grace was her leaving me again giving me opportunity to start making life choices for myself. I do not regret a thing and am thankful that all in my past led me to a much happier place I find myself in today. Even though I suffered from very bad depression myself, I reached out to others, over time and very annoyingly, I found many in the same position as myself did not want to help themselves and many liked the attention they received. That in part was the driving force behind me picking up and moving half way around the world. Best thing I ever did, for me... Watching those people sink made me aware that if I did not do something positive I would end up just like them...

    Alcohol I found made my depression worse, alcohol is the LAST thing anyone needs to add to their list of problems, so I swore it off and will now only have a few glasses at most. IF you are depressed, then please, do not drink as it solves nothing! You will only wake up feeling twice as bad as you did prior to opening that bottle.

    Anyone here who is in a bad place in their lives, do not be afraid to reach out and simply talk to someone else. There may not be an immediate fix to your problem, but given time and one step at a time, you can climb out of that tunnel of darkness which seems to have no light at the end of the tunnel. I for one am here to simply listen to anyone with a problem. I will not betray you, nor will I mock you if you truly wish to have an ear to listen to your problem. For most, the answer lays in self-help. You CAN do it!

    Talk to someone, who knows where it may take you. I know this for a fact with several friends telling me how simply talking turned their lives around until they found that happy place in their lives. Remember;
    "Suicide is a Permanent Solution to a Temporary Problem"
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  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    The Philippines is about the worst place you can be if you have a chemical imbalance or mental illness. It is far too easy to fall deeper into the hole with drugs (alcohol) and destructive behavior. It is very unlikely anyone is going to stop you from destroying your life. Most locals are going to see you as "just another *sshole long nose" and most long noses are going to see you as toxic (and won't want to be around you as your unpredictable behavior may make yourself a target of revenge from locals you have pissed off).
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  3. Canadianized

    Canadianized DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I know of someone else who is basically in the same condition. This I think happens way too often in the Phils with foreigners. Depression and suicide are very real. He was fortunate to have a few people try and help him but it is hard to reason with a depressed person and unfortunately allot of people suffering from this condition turn to alcohol for relief. So you now have an alcoholic who is masking his depression! It is very difficult to reason with someone who wallows in self pity and walks around in a drunken stupor. Sad situation for sure!
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  4. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    There is no way to send a 'condolence' using ratings but I am sure we all feel for what life difficulties brought this young man to such a tragic end and for all his family and friends who are affected by the loss. His girlfriend has experienced something none of us ever wish for ourselves or another human being and special thoughts go to her.
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  5. Canadianized

    Canadianized DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    The information here by Mr.Pig is right on the mark. I have suffered from both chronic and acute depression as has my mother. My grandfather committed suicide! Make no mistake if someone is actually talking about taking their own life the chances are he/she will follow through with it! Along with depression is anxiety and panic attacks. This man it seems had a deep fear of facing up to his old acquaintances and loss of his job. In order to come to terms with this he turned to alcohol as a remedy. Mr. Pig is so correct, "Alcohol I found made my depression worse, alcohol is the LAST thing anyone needs to add to their list of problems, so I swore it off and will now only have a few glasses at most. IF you are depressed, then please, do not drink as it solves nothing! You will only wake up feeling twice as bad as you did prior to opening that bottle."

    Why? Because alcohol and many drugs too only mask the underlying problem! How do you turn a person's thinking around from seeing his glass is half empty to thinking his glass is half full?

    If anyone is interested in learning more please see this video:
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  6. Koala

    Koala DI Junior Member

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    Yes it is true Chet committed suicide............and he had been threatening this for months now. My partner and I where trying to help him get thru this self pity for a while. We had know him for the last 18 months. His problems started last roughly last February when here arrived back into Dgte. He was a fisherman on a Alaskan processing ship. He was the night shift deck boss. Before he left Alaska he had put the word out he was looking for a higher position on another vessel as he thought the company weren't paying him the correct salary. When the bosses found out about this they sack him. He tried to find another vessel but it was very had to do that from here and refused to go back and look for himself. As time went by and his bank account was running out had to start selling his possessions. The 1st to go was his beloved 1,000 cc motor bike. We told him now you are cashed up its time to get back to the states and start over again. We thought that was what he was going to do. We helped him extend his visa and we told him we would store his furniture.

    But no he knew the ridicule by the fishing industry crew personal would get stuck into him. He wasn't man enough to get back on the horse and get his life back together he started to hit the bottle. Then he refused to eat for days he just drank drank. He had 70,000 pesos stolen from him. It was either his live in g/friend or his cleaner who came twice a week. The bottle started to take over and he stated he just wanted to die. Eventually his liver started to give in also. He was admitted to the hospital for over a week. He started to improve and we thought he had got his act together. Once again he started back on the bottle Vodka but this time he was beating up his g/friend. Eventually he ended up selling everything he had here.

    His pride got the best of him. The fishing company are just as much to blame for this as much as he is. After 15 loyal years with them they sacked him for trying to improve his statue in life.

    Rest in peace mate
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  7. Canadianized

    Canadianized DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I studied Cognitive Psychology and Motivation at University. Depression can creep up on you over time (Chronic) or it can happen all of a sudden (Acute). What often happens to people is their depression chases their friends away and they are left alone. We are not programmed (most of us) to be around people who are burying themselves in self pity. Here is a man who has physical health, long term work experience and has potential to land a good job back in his country! There is strong possibility that he was already suffering from depression and anxiety issues before he came to the Phils. And he was prone to drinking alcohol. Alcohol has a bipolar effect on the brain. Euphoria initially and then often depressionogenic tendencies usually follow.

    Too make matters worse many people who suffer from depression sleep allot and are not motivated to exercise. Yes, exercise can help you fight depression! The key if you are trying to help a person suffering from depression is to get them up and moving! Maybe give them a puppy to take care of. Anything to stop them internalizing negative thoughts. The question is how do we help someone like this break his negative outlook on life to something more positive?

    He was likely a very nice man who just could not cope with life. I think there are lots of lost souls who are like this especially with our Western Culture where success is defined in terms of having lots of money and a good job!
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  8. slidegear

    slidegear DI Junior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    +33 / 6
    he was a guy by the name of chet williamson (sp?) age 41. apparently he may have threatened to commit suicide on several previous occasions. i've never met the man, a neighbor was asked for assistance when found by his girlfriend tuesday afternoon. he may have been deceased for over 24 hours by the time he was discovered according to investigators.
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  9. slidegear

    slidegear DI Junior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    +33 / 6
    you're information is probably more reliable than mine as i was translating what was relayed to me as best i could. thank you for the correction.

    all i had to go by is heresay as provided by a third party so please do not take what i've said as anything more.

    my sincere condolences to all those whom may have been affected.
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