Here too, seems to be a bit faster. Already 4 in. Scottish independence: live results as they happen - Telegraph
O-| denpet, maybe I should leave this to you :D my link is like my connection today. sloooooooooooow JP
I think we are going for a YES. The trend is, the bigger the district, the YESier it gets. Inverclyde 50/50 The smallest, of course, get counted faster than the bigger and hence the first to show up.
The money Angle? ( my take on things.) I am sure I will be corrected somewhere along the way but something that springs to mind for me. The Scottish Pound Bank Note is not a recognized note in many Countries. nor in many places in England even. It is a licensed bank Note borne from the Bank of England. What will they do, create a Scottish Bank, and create a new monetery system. There is already a Bank of Scotland, now owed by the Halifax Building Society. HBOS is the Company title. The Royal Bank of Scotland was disbanded in the Scandal a few years ago. they owned National Westminster Bank ( NATWEST) in their infinite wisdom The holding company RBOS closed all RBS branches and Kept only NatWest alive. Although RBS is the owner. So what will they do, maintain links with the Bank of England and continue to use the Sterling Note proper. Some Independence that! IMHO Of course the $US would be the best alternative I guess? One does wonder just how deep things have been thought out? IMHO Glad I am English! A burden maybe some times But............. To add to that, how log will our Scottish Brothers here in the PI going to have to wait, for their New Scottish passport. Cos if they are still going to have a British Passport, that again is not Independence JMO JP
early figures are usually, a little misleading A somewhat Political reporting start but denpet, the No is far better JP
This is one american's view. Many people, myself included are tired of big government telling the rest of us what we can and cannot do. They take our money and give to louts that are too lazy to work but will vote for them because the pols are more than willing to give them our money. Then they spy on us and call it "security". I for one am tired of the central government pissing on my leg and telling me it is raining. I think that is what this is truly about and there are many in my name country that are more than willing to secede because of the ruling class destroying our country. They don't have a problem sending our troops into wars that are not well thought out or planned to win as well as REALLY STUPID STUFF like sending military types to FIGHT ebola. Then when the vets come back that are ignored and left to die because of some beaurecrat wants to look good on paper. I see the ruling class in UK allowing every person into the country that wants in and then they in turn are trying to destroy the country. The UK along with the US is doling out the money like water but it is all borrowed money because they can't steal enough from those of us that produce. The ruling class blames all the problems on banks or businesses but in reality they are the one's that have created the unrest all over the world. I for one like the Philippines because of it's freedom which is greater than my own country. Seems weird even saying that but it is true. The media is for the most part a willing co/conspirator with the ruling class. I say the gang plank for the whole lot.....
Thank God common sense prevailed. It is up to the British Government to now fulfil it's promises to the people of Scotland. It is also right that they give equal power to Wales, Northern Ireland and the people of England too. Together I hope we will grow stronger as a United Kingdom and continue to fight for what is right and just. What's next? Peace throughout the World is a big assignment, let's take the first step. God Bless JB