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...And I cried, "What's goin on?"

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by shadow, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    To me good roads are fairly smooth, not heavily cracked, not under construction, and not bogged down so can't get any solid speed going. I've been enough around Cebu and around Negros on my bike. Can't even really break 80 very much due to other traffic. Roads don't have much room. A few smaller straight shots to be had here and there but nothing I'd really consider for solid touring. Don't need 1000cc's for most of the roads outside the greater Manila area. On my 135cc I can hit 100kph but very very rarely manage to get 90 due to roads and other vehicles.

    I would love a touring style bike though of a smaller cc calibur such as 200-250. Mainly just want more comfortable seats. Really not so happy with my Kawasaki Rouser.

    And when I say Boy Clubs I'm refering to those just wanting to show off who's is bigger vs those who its about the do it for enjoyment. Don't see a point in a club having limits such as *1000 cc minimum* and such. Just another ego thing about size. Like making a club and saying "sorry, boys only" or "sorry, 6' tall and above".
  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    See, here is where you just don't get it. You can hit 100kph in 5th gear. I hit 135kph in first gear in about 3 seconds. So while you might not be able to find spots to hit those speeds, I certainly can....and just about anywhere. The acceleration out of a corner is what I enjoy. You cannot compare a Rouser to a 1000cc Fireblade. 9hp compared to 180hp....two completely different riding experiences. Even the suspension makes the Fireblade more enjoyable of a ride.

    Anything less than 400cc will make driving around Manila a pain, as you can't get on the big highways with anything less.

    There are reasons for having rules on engine size. Though I would agree with you somewhat on the 1000cc minimum. A 600cc sports bike is perfectly capable of keeping up on a normal ride in this country. I would limit it to sport bikes at 600 and up because anything less would slow the group up. I would also limit a group by riding experience/capabilities as well. I wouldn't want some jerk off who constantly wrecks or slows the group down, regardless of bike size.

    And there are very good reasons why many clubs have "men only" requirements. If you want to take your woman with you everywhere you go....please go, enjoy yourself, by yourselves. Let the "boys" go have fun without letting your little spy tag along and take notes/provide constant updates to the ladies at home via text message. I have canceled many trips with friends because one decided to allow his gf to tag along.
  3. simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    Welcome to the resonable minded peoples "club", in my opinion, the limitless enjoyments of a few is not justified when the greater wellbeing of everybody else is concerned, the same as with the oversized SUVs, the ridiculous off road trucks, 200,400, 600 and more HP to do what, to play in the mud, or scare the s..t out of ordinary citizens...
    It's the contrast between the mayority and the minority that get's me going, the mayority does not care about this "showing off" but are bothered by the "emissons", additional, many of the followers of this kind of lifestyle have a need of selfaggrandizement, not something I find a nice treat in any person...
    To calm down again, I have friends that have big bikes "that are normal" and are just "normal" people(not boring by any means), you will not find them on an event like the one going on right now in Dumaguete, this is pure show off time, dripping with vanity...
  4. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

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    The big bike ride that often starts on Bohol, moves across to Cebu, and finishes somewhere around Sta. Catalina/Bayawan is just a group of responsible enthusiasts who enjoy what they do, and the ride doubles as a HUGE fundraiser for charity with donations from other enthusiasts, well-wishers and sponsors. All of the money they raise is used to try and bring some improvement to the lives of disadvantaged kids trapped on the fringe of society. Hardly the actions of show-offs.
  5. simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    I remember that you are one of the very few people that are active in helping the needy, I have not seen you using any mechanical aid in doing so, how you can do this without at least a 100Hp is a mistery to me...
  6. OP

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    Roger has ordered a 350 HP wheelchair, to aid him in his travels. It should be ready around 2020.
  7. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    That little bit of Humour, to brighten the day ( HUMOUR? No a Statement)

    I came across this and thought,Yeah to many, it will mean something! View attachment 10994


    Attached Files:

  8. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Speaking of emissions. Last time I was waiting in line for my emissions test I took a peak at 3 of the local scooters that were being tested before my bike. All three had 3 times the emissions of my 1000cc Sports bike. One of the local "jeeps" caused everyone to evacuate the area because of the thick black soot that filled the area, I couldn't even imagine what his numbers were. They turned the vehicle off and let the area clear and then the emissions guy had his picture taken next to the license plate. (Two days later he was back at the testing facility to pick up his registration, with the same jeep, blowing the same ridiculous amount of smoke.)

    You want to talk about emissions, talk to the locals.
  9. simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    Well, there are many different kinds of emissions, like noise(hard to beat the Pinoy in that), fumes, light, farts, bo(body odor, something you will find seldom with Pinoys but often with foreigners), take your pick...

    I can see that my argument seems to be pretty solid, I have not read a single line about the event till now, so the interest for it must have been(thankfully)small, the consiousness revolution seems to get a hold...
  10. simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    Anybody remember how this event would have been covered by the former Captain of this Yellow Submarin, we would have had a mile long thread with numerus pictures attached and the Photo Board would have had even more pictures...

    (Not a complain, not at all...)