I mentioned this is another article. A pedophile is someone who is attracted to prepubescent children. At 15 years old, women have largely matured in the body.
It's interesting that people talk about "the pedophiles" as if they are some secret society invading the Philippines and other poor nations. Men with an attraction to prepubescent children make up a shockingly large part of the male population. This is a trait which is everywhere, every country and probably far more common than you realize.
Many researchers taking a different view of pedophilia - latimes
This article mentions that perhaps 1-5% of men are pedophiles. The article doesn't cite the study which came up with these numbers, but I bet this is in the ballpark.
The complication of actually carrying through with sexual contact with minors is the collision of desire with availability. Most men are attracted to women, but few men will resort to force to get sex.
Among the factors that makes pedophilia so bad is that men often don't need to use physical force over children to do something the child would rather not do. In some cases, adult authority is sufficient. Though using a position of authority is often illegal (employment) - the child doesn't know this. While someone hopeless with adult women may never get laid, a pedophile may only need access to children.
At 15 and older, this issue gets hairy (no pun intended) in different ways. A 16 year old girl should know what she is doing. She is doing the same thing many other Filipina's (or women in general are doing) - she is getting money, gifts, stability or something she highly values in return.
These guys wouldn't be getting busted for hooking up with 15 year old girls if there weren't 15 year old girls seeking (or willing to get into) this sort of arrangement. I have seen 15 year old girls in bars - drinking. Maybe we could start by keeping kids out of the bars? But why do that when kids are able to buy cigarettes and alcohol at any age.
I think I lost my point somewhere. I'm not sure where I was going with this. I don't know what the solution to this problem should be. Maybe the Philippines needs to focus on helping the local population rather than demonizing foreigners.
This demonizing and protectionist attitude is partly the problem. This country is in the tight grip of a small number of people. You see the same names popping up on everything of value here. Perhaps they have an interest in keeping foreigners from doing something which will disrupt this? Then the country can stay poor rather than lift the Philippines so that these women might have other options.
Best Posts in Thread: Another one bites the dust
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Nutz2U2 DI Member Showcase Reviewer
Hi Guys,
Well the positive side is that the scumbags are finally getting caught. And punishment is severe - just don't send them to Oz as they are being a little bit "softish" in the moment. But public outcry will soon fix that situation.
I am happy to see, that there are plans in motion to stop this - on both sides of every ocean. The pedo's with records will find it harder to get here (subject to Pinoy doing it's share of the 2-way street).
I liked Jack's experience mentioned the other day, where the "terror of the household" supported him at her school by highlighting the fact (in class) that every visitor feels safe at her house, after the teacher commented on "foreigner danger".
It again highlights the fact of a total lack of education, a biased education, a totally inaccurate education, etc etc etc.
The more these issues are raised from the correct and accurate angles, the better for both the filipinos and the foreigners. For the better future of everyone involved.
(The better future for the pedo is being on the receiving end of the sharp stick / knife / scissors / etc).-
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Last edited: Jan 20, 2016 -
This has been an interesting read for me and I would like to thank the contributors. I revolve in academic and clinical circles where child safety is a major focus. As I look back at my career, the kids that I have known to be in danger, the kids being exploited and yes indeed the grotty, murky underworld of organised sexual exploitation I have often wondered what type of person can live with their consciences when they either facilitate the abuse or abuse minors themselves. I must say that after nearly 30 years in this work, umpteen academic journal papers and books read and digested I am not sure. Modern neuroscience is highly suggestive that there is often a brain dysfunction....the empathy regions do not light up, combine that with poor impulse control and a moral centre that also does not light up under Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) - and you have the makings of a sexual psychopath - your paedophile.
Debates range about what causes this. There is substantive evidence suggestive of early physical/sexual/emotional abuse 'closing down' development of these important brain functions. But I have also worked with victims of abuse who have not developed paedophilia. So I am just as uncertain as I was those 30 years ago. Curiously the gender ratios of abusers is roughly 6-1, so there is a substantial minority of female abusers that go un-noticed. As I write I am realising that the ratio of un-related Nero-developmental disorders eg ADHD/Autism/Tourette's/Dyslexia etc has a similar gender ratio. So I am wondering whether there is something developmental going on. I really don't know.
The one thing I am certain of however is that poverty creates the conditions for this type of exploitation to thrive. It is an easy Buck to make in the 3rd world and before I get on my high horse about the causes and cures of that I think I will leave things at that. The world does not need C's theory of everything! However, protection of both victims and abusers is in my view paramount. Yes, there are some sick bunnies out there, but they are still sick. We also need to protect our kids efficiently, effectively and safely from them.
Cheers all,
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Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force
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Not too many men are going to put their hands up
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Additionally, there is the big problem of guys knocking up the girl then walking away. No child support responsibility. I say make the guy have to pay child support until the kid is 18.
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nwlivewire DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Army Navy
I got one of those odd "hits" in my gut that he has many deep-seated physical and pysch problems.
I know this is stating the obvious, but he really is way more ill than just being a sick pedo.
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mokum DI Senior Member
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The case of Rosebush is not an isolated one. As of last June, 24 cases of human trafficking were recorded in Northern Mindanao, according to the Department of Social Welfare and Development in the region (DSWD).
Eleven cases were recorded in Misamis Oriental, eight cases in Bukidnon, three from Misamis Occidental, and another three in Iligan City.
Two of the cases involved sex exploitation, 13 were for illegal recruitment, seven cases for child trafficking, and one case each for prostitution and forced labor.-
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Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force
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These Sick Types just Tar many of us with the same Brush. Sad to say but.........-
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