I do recall a very senior member of this Forum telling me in the past that the current generation should not be taking responsibility for the past deeds of their country! But, without reading all the Forum again, I have no source.
Do you have figures for the numbers trudging their way to China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Philippines? Btw, I arrived here by plane and guessed that arriving in a dingy would not go down too well. But by all means, help some refugees - but only those who enter LEGALLY. It probably costs less and is safer. Countries who give refuge to illegal entrants who RISKED THEIR LIVES to get there are RESPONSIBLE for those who died on the way.
Agree - and where do we put the bar? For the UK, is it when we have 2 million illegals (almost certainly already there!) or 5 million (possibly there) or 10 million or 20 million or 40 million? Those who say keep letting them come need to do the maths. I also wonder where, in a catastrophe for the UK (other than having Boris as PM) where would we all go? Who would take us in our millions? I may be corrected on this, but in WW2 I think most of our own refugees went to other parts of the UK.
The most recent information on illegal immigrants in Europe that I can find puts the number at between 2.8 million and 3.7 million for all of Europe combined (excluding asylum-seekers who are awaiting the decision on their application) at the end of 2017, or less than 1% of the population. For the UK the numbers are relatively somewhat higher at 0.8 to 1.2 million, or less than 2% of the population. Between 20o8 and 2017 the numbers across Europe have been largely stable. I therefore consider your estimates wrong, and bordering on misinformation.
If you directly profit off of those sins, absolutely. If my father gave me a couple tons of Nazi gold should I be allowed to keep it?
I could sure go for COVID being done. I wouldn't mind if the world were a little more attentive to climate change as well, but most of all it would be nice to get back to somewhat normal life again. And I'll no doubt have plans to get in better shape that flame out after a couple weeks.
Let your conscience be your guide. Not quite sure where all this is leading to but....... Climate change, drought, pestilence, deforestation, war, earthquakes, etc etc Yes I think the world is in a mess and yes we always need somebody to blame for the past, the present and the future. Do I feel pity for those less fortunate than myself, of course I do. Was I lucky to have been born when I was and where I am, never having had to suffer the terrible hardships those less fortunate have suffered, too right I was. Let's put this back into perspective, most of the plundering wealth extracted from the colonies by the so called Elite and Privileged of the Western World was used to their own ends, living the most luxurious lifestyles of the day, while the majority of their own countrymen suffered their own hardships during the 18th and 19th centuries. What was their sufferings......Plagues, Disease, Hunger, Homelessness, Workhouses, Child labour, Imprisonment for stealing food, etc etc. Life in the Western World has a history too!