It is hard to make comparisons because some causes of inflation apply worldwide, while others are country specific.
The UK suffers from constraints on labour and other Brexit effects (higher costs to import stuff), The Philippines suffers from substantially lower financial transfers from abroad because many OFW's (overseas filipino workers) have chosen to go home in the face of the pandemic, which has put downward pressure on their currency, causing more expensive imports, and worldwide there's two effects at work: a. a strong rebound of economic activity causing strong demand for raw materials and b. transport constraints because of the ongoing pandemic.
Nevertheless the Philippines currently suffer increases in fuel/energy costs like everyone else (which has an upward effect on almost all other prices also). The size of these price increases is exacerbated here because of the weak currency. Headline inflation here is (and has been for the past 5 years or so) substantially higher than in most of Europe at 4% p.a. or so. Mind you though, the inflation numbers here (like everywhere else) reflect the average buying habits of the public, which means that those who buy much more imported goods than most (think Expats) experience much stronger price rises than the average Filipino family. Of course, as long as these expats enjoy an income in a currency other than the Philipine peso, they also enjoy a (for them) better exchange rate, which partially cancels out the higher prices in peso.