Had a neighbor along with her two children catch a flight back to Tokyo last month. She said the flight from Manila to Narita had a total of 10 passengers. Talk about First Class accomodations and treatment.
My partner and her son gave up on PAL flights Manila to Dumaguete after 3 cancellations all at the 11th hour.... and got tickets on the 2GO Manila to Duma ferry St Michael the Archangel... 26hrs but is not cancelled like the airflights. It left Manila last Thurs and arrived Friday 3pm. They were met by local IATF staff full PPE outfits... temp checks and documents checked before being taken to the LGU quarantine location of choice for 14 days.... free in city gym or a school or LGU monitored hotel at your cost. The hotel she is in is strictly controlled with no one allowed to leave their rooms. Food can be from family or the hotel... it is placed on a chair outside each door and they knock and leave. I have been taking food and fruit in daily as there is no refrigerator (groan). I bring to reception after a foot bath and hand sprayed with alcohol and give the LGU guard the room number. Empty containers bags etc cannot leave the room until quarantine finishes. I outline this to illustrate controls on LSI's returning are strict...in our case.
There will be a sweeper flight from dumaguete next saturday with pal unless its full already. Anyone who wants details go the the tourist office at the bottom end of quezon park.
"self" and "quarantine" don't seem to go together! In the UK young people are holding "illegal 'quarantine' raves" (one of them had 4000 people) - the police do nothing and when the 'raving' idiots leave the next morning, the tons of rubbish they leave behind is cleared up by volunteers (NOT by people who attended the raves!) Also, volunteers attended the raves to give out free food and tents in case any of the little darlings were hungry from all their illegal raving - I assume the tents were to ensure they had someone to go for 'other activities'. People have selfish genes and it makes me wonder at times if democracy works.
So after such a long time separated from your wife and child, it is now 'only' 12 days to re-unification. All the quarantine procedures seems fine so best wishes to you for what you have all been through and soon being back with your loved ones.