The wife has figured out where the removed soil will be heading, so other than the above request we are sorted.
I'll start a post in the next 6-8 months on the farm journey as things start coming together. This build will probably be going on for many years, but hoping to have the main infrastructure and areas operational starting from the next 6 months ongoing to 30 months, give or take.
This is my retirement project, meaning I won't retire until things are up and running and then my "retirement job" will be the farm. Should be a fun time as I am going completely solar/wind with some cool automation ideas. Aquaponics will be a huge part of what we do as well as concentrating on self-sustainability and growing as naturally as possible (not saying organic) without chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
I was probably around 8 years old when I first started thinking about a farm pond design, changed over the years as I started to understand things and then had opportunities to build for a living. Hoping I don't make too many mistakes on the way to bring this farm together...
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ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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We have canals dug out on the "farm side" of the property but am concentrating on getting things leveled off (shovels and wheel barrows) and sloped properly before we start on the various box culverts. The civil contractor we used didn't really get things done; but I wasn't at home to manage it so it is what it is.
The plan is for all water on farm to work it's way to the pond; which includes systems from various building roofs sending rain water as well at the roads and whatever swales I figure I need to get water moving to the canals and then the culverts to the pond.
The farm pond will have a dual purpose of supplying water to the farm but just as important to me is a stocked pond for Me, family and friends to be able to fish. I'm working on a design for a solid fishing dock made with concrete beams and columns (piers) with either wood or bamboo decking. I want it to attract fish and be able to support a number of folks fishing. Three sides of the shoreline will have limited access as I plan to jam a lot of trees around the pond (think living fence). Kayaks will be the best way to fish it.
The rain events we've had haven't kept water in the pond as well as I'd hoped, obviously with all drainage going towards the pond should put larger quantities into the pond and maintain better. With that being said, I plan to invest in quite a bit of sodium bentonite, get that mixed in and compacted before I finish the culverts running over to the pond. I have no problem with the canals filling up a bit in the mean time; just put a bunch of kang kong in for the animals.
When we purchased the land I knew it was going to be a 3-5 year journey to get things up and running how I wanted, so not in a massive rush. I'm more interested in getting trees and some animals established in the short term. The farm and pond is really my retirement plan to keep me busy and having fun.
My wife is still trying to get more comfortable with the drone I left, she's figured out video but working on taking pics. Once she get going I will post some pics of the pond and farm in their infancy. Really the best way to see what is going on is using the drone.
Thanks for asking!
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ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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- Senior Construction Manager
- Location:
- Okinawa/Tanjay
- Ratings:
- +1,780 / 219
- Blood Type:
- A-
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