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Backyard gardening

Discussion in 'Horticulture' started by ShawnM, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    Was curious about folks opinions on if backyard gardening and/or container gardening would see a rise in popularity with things going on throughout the world.

    There are just a few YouTube channels I watch, most are about gardening/homesteading but watched an interesting one the other day from an Australian guy who talked about the same thing and how it would be a benefit all around (not just during this difficult time) to get back to gardening at home, even on a really small scale such as containers.

    For us, we have very small areas at the house to garden but it is a bit surprising how much you can actually produce in smaller areas. Gardening is a hobby and enjoyable to see how a small seed you planted, watered and cared for can grow into a plant that produces something you can walk right out of the house to harvest for a meal.

    We are still trying to figure out what grows best, when and also a better handle on succession planting to keep a steady supply of our favorite veggies.

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