I lived in Bagacay back then and used to walk across it daily on my way to downtown. It was the trees and the roots that washed down and took out the bases. Quite a site to behold.
Best Posts in Thread: Batinguel-Bagacay Rd Banica River Crossing Closure
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Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer
Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
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Have I got a deal for you.....in view of the bridge shortage across the Banica River I'm offering this opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this fantastic investment. Let's all buy a bridge, install it across the river and charge a toll.
Send your money to me!!!! Now!!!!
some terms and conditions may apply.
photo for illustration purposes only.
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Authorities are asking for patience and under standing of the motorists after the road leading to the Bureau of Internal Revenue has been closed to traffic beginning last week until next year 2021 as the construction of a P 31.4 million full span concrete bridge commenced.
Many motorists have complained that the closure of the road connecting Barangays Batinguel and Banilad aggravated traffic congestion especially that Colon Extension has also been closed due to the construction of another concrete bridge worth P 20. 2 million at the back of Foundation University.
Some motorists have taken detours and alternate routes so they could come to work and school on time. Others have decided to leave early from their homes to their destinations to avoid the traffic jam.
The two bridge projects, are exclusively funded by the City Government being a priority of Mayor Felipe Antonio Remollo’s own Build Build Build initiative.
Mayor Remollo stressed that once opened, the two bridges would significantly decongest traffic and improve the safety of motorists and pedestrians especially with threats of floodwaters from Banica River.
It is estimated that Phil South Builders has until February 2021 or earlier to finish the bridge construction while the other concrete bridge in Colon Street might be finished this summer.
Mayor Remollo is also planning to allocate funds for the construction of additional bridges and opening of new road networks to help improve the traffic situation in the city and stimulate the local economy.-
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Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer
How long did it take them to complete the Colon St. extension bridge project? This one is bigger, take that as a starting point.
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If that is the bridge project near the BIR, the plan is to open in 345 days.
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