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Government & Education Best High Schools in Dumaguete?

Discussion in 'Businesses - Services - Products' started by lhyn630, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    the schools in Harlem are THAT bad ???
  2. evrrrdy1

    evrrrdy1 DI Junior Member

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    Siliman in Dumaguete is the only complete elementary through college I've heard is a grade competitive school. By that I mean you can't buy a kid a diploma, or so I've heard. There the line of students wanting to go there is so deep the school can make all the money they want and still flunk kids out. very expensive! Many foreign kids go there. I've seen Jap, Korean, East Indian, American, British, Australian, Spanish, French and others wondering around the campus and mall. Diplomas from there are accredited world wide.
  3. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    better check your sources...
  4. andiflip

    andiflip DI Senior Member

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    Also the "World Wide" part????
  5. Cutie ladybug

    Cutie ladybug DI Forum Adept

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    Overall, education in the long run is all about what are you going to do with yourself after college isn't it?

    With almost half a million college grads every year in PI, you'd better have your act and your head together after graduation day.

    I haven't really heard of any high schools here that help much in that regard, students typically don't have any elective courses to choose from; it's all been decided for you evidently.

    The basic education deosn't really prepare you for much more than crossword puzzles anyway. With the advent of the internet, high school age kids can expand their knowledge far beyond the daily high school grind.

    One friend was praising the private school in Junob yesterday, saying it teaches 'American style' history etc. That may be a nice touch here in PI, but that alone isn't going to give his 8yo son an advantage once he's trying to make a living.

    But he was tired of being ripped off from the school up the road for lunches and trips. The usual money making schemes you run into.
  6. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

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    You may have seen all those kids from different nationalities wandering around the campus, but they're probably visitors and not students. Diplomas from there are recognised in the Philippines and nowhere else. A perfect replica of the Silliman diploma can be bought in Mumbai for $5. Silliman is all about generating revenue and the diploma is really a receipt that your dues have been paid, not a diploma of competence. The size of the financial contribution made will determine how much help you get from the "old boy network" later in life. If nursing graduates from Silliman want to work in Europe, they have to pass the nursing and midwifery exam. The majority fail, and they become spoon feeders, butt washers and wheelchair pushers.
  7. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
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    This a sweeping statement, that is just not true. I have just retired, from one of the largest Accountancy Companies in the world. ALL our filipino CPAs had to resit a final year or Sit a ACA exam, to obtain the certification they need to apply for Charter training. In our branch we had 7 qualified (Filipino Accountants. CPAs) they were good enough to pursue the next Step but the Diplomas/ Degrees were just not accepted. so all had to resit. only 2 made it unfortunately. That was a shame, as they were very bright Young Accountants. But only in the Philippines.
  8. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    +38 / 0
    But some of them might be able to bring a few boxes of adult condoms for the members in need of the other thread, when visiting their Alma Mater for the founders-day...
  9. andiflip

    andiflip DI Senior Member

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    Years ago here while working for PNOC drilling the geothermal wells in Palimpinon I had a graduate mechanical engineer from Siliman as a logistics engineer.. ( parts buyer) We needed a grease gun as the one we had was broken and i asked him to pick one up in town.. After 4 days asking and not being able to lubricate the drilling rig i shut the operation down until we got one as we were not able to service the equipment.. Head office in Manila went balistic and i nearly got sh*t canned for doing it but told them i was here as a consultant/trainer and could not allow the equipment (World Bank Donation) to be abused and not serviced.. The logistics engineer finally came to me asking for a part number and a specification, i went balistic and about the same time an old man came across the location riding a carabao and i asked him what a "Grease Gun" was,, his english wasn't to good but he made the motions how to use one so he knew what one was... Took the Silliman "Einstein" down to Matio"s and they had probably 5 or 6 grease guns under the glass counter.. Alemite, Lincoln and some Chinese sh*t as well.. ????????O-|
  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I don't know about the accreditation of Siliman but it is on the VA's GI Bill approved colleges list. They must have some type of accreditation for the VA to put them on that list. On the other side, there are over 200 colleges in the Philippines that are on that same list. It obviously says nothing about the quality of education seeing as the top 3 colleges in the Philippines would rank somewhere below the bottom 10 percent (perhaps I'm being generous here) in the US.